in the car (NEW YEARS SPECIAL)

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Delirious POV:

I guess this was a yearly thing, me and (y/n) would go up the mountain and watch the fireworks for new years, but this time I had found a spot to set up a picnic to watch the fire works from and reserved it.

I drove up the mountain with (y/n) on my side, she was looking at the map, I haven't told her the secret spot I had planned. I took a left turn instead of the right "jon, we were ment to go right" I just smile "wait and see" I say.

(Time skipped a little)

We made it to the spot and I had parked the car, (y/n) gets out the car I could already see the sparkles in her eyes.

(Y/n) POV:

Delirious took me to a very beautiful view a wooden seat swing  with the trees bending over a little and just the cliff edge right there. I run over to Adam and wrap my arms around there neck and peck them on the lips "I love it!" I say and we started to set up the picnic ready for tonight.

(Time skipped)

"HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!" Hearing people more up the mountain go off and setting the fireworks off and also seeing in the distance from the city fireworks. Me and delirious lit up some sparklers  and danced around like idiots, "happy new years" delirious says to me. I lean my head on there shoulder "happy 2024" I say.

(Time skipped a little)

After we had started to pack up I put our basket in boot but delirious stops me and takes the basket out of my hands and spins me around, and presses me against the car and pecks me on the lips "well hello there" I say, delirious smiles at me "hello there pretty" they say at me with a gaze in there eyes "hey I'm not pretty, I'm fabulous" I strike a pose and delirious giggles at me.

Delirious once again spins me around and pushes me into the boot and crawls on top of me. Delirious starts to kiss my neck up and down, I put my finger on delirious's lips to stop them "you do realize this is how horror movie starts right?" "Yeahhh, but if we die by Michael Myers, at least we can die together making love" I just laughed at delirious stupidity.

Delirious kisses up and down my neck while Grinding against me, and then delirious starts kissing down to my chest. After a little bit of kissing up and down my chest, delirious goes down between my breasts, then my stomach  then down to my jeans.

Delirious uses there teeth to unbuckle my button to my jeans then there teeth again with my underwear. I then slide my hands down there waist to there jeans and unbuckle there belt and button on the jeans. I then rub there member threw there boxers making delirious grunt and go cross-eyed, I just giggle. Delirious then pins my arms down and smiles at me.

Delirious grabs there member and put it inside me. delirious leans in and starts sucking my up and down my neck and thrusting back and forward in me. The whole car was shaking at this point like it we we're in some sorta bouncy castle. Finally delirious throws there head back clearly finished what needed to be finished inside on me.

Delirious lays on my side then faces me "well then... I'm tired" they say chuckling "come on, pack up I'll drive, you rest and we can snuggle in bed and call it a night" I say "deal" we then both got up and ready to head home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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