Chapter One - The start of something new

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A loud knocking stirred me from my sleep. My eyes flickered open as I dragged my fists across my eyes, the light sending a painful shock to my forehead.

"Fuuuckkk." I groaned as I attempted to sit up, sending a wave of nausea straight to my stomach. The sickness rose slowly up throat until my mouth filled with saliva and I knew I had to act. My hands reached out for the bin close to the bed and clutched it, just in time for my throat to wretch and vomit to project from my mouth, stinging my throat.

"Urrrggghhh, fuck my life." I groaned into the plastic bin, hanging my head waiting for the sickness to pass.

The knocking began again, even louder than it was before and a voice came suddenly from the direction of the front door to my little apartment.

"Y/N! Are you seriously not up yet?" The voice shouted loudly.

"Come on. Let me in or I'll tip your coffee out the window."

Shit. Robert. I'd completely forgotten he was coming this morning. I was due to start my job as his assistant PA that afternoon and when my friend Sophie convinced me to go drinking last night, I thought I'd have plenty of time to get over it before seeing anyone. A small detail I now realised was completely wrong.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back groggily.

As I lifted my head from the bin to place it down, a new noise startled me. A low groan appeared from next to me and I jumped slightly as my eyes cast upon a figure, lying naked on his stomach in my bed, next to me.

"Shit!" I whispered under my breath. Apparently I had gotten more drunk than I realized.

I threw myself from the bed, groaning loudly and throwing my head back as I discovered I was butt naked, before heading to my closet and grabbing a pair of black leggings and a baggy red hoody. Not worrying about underwear, there would be time to change before work and I needed to get out of this room without waking the man in my bed. Not wanting to alert Robert to last nights events.

I stepped over the threshold of my bedroom and into my small living room/kitchen combo, closing the bedroom door quietly behind me, before heading over to the front door and pulled it open.

"Hey Rob." I smiled, doing my best to hide my hangover.

"Morning sis. Here." He replied, handing me a coffee as he stepped over the threshold and into my apartment.

"Is that what you're wearing to the set?" He queried, raising an eyebrow at me as he plonked himself down onto my dark green sofa.

"No." I sighed, closing the door. "I just woke up and threw it on. I'll go change in a minute."

"You just woke up?" He responded a little surprised.

"Yeah why." I sighed again, trying my best to act normal.

"You don't usually sleep in this late unless...." He paused, scanning his eyes over my features as he slowly caught on.

"You went out last night." He said slightly abruptly.

"Rob, don't." I said sternly trying to stop him before he could go off at me, but failing miserably.

"You went out and got drunk when you know you start work today. Just because you're my sister doesn't mean you get a free pass to not work as hard as everyone else. This is an important day Y/N, when are you going to grow up and stop pulling this shit?" He reeled off angrily.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think." I said softly, not wanting to upset him further. He was right, it was a stupid mistake, one I made all to often. I stared down into my coffee cup, too ashamed to look at him.

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