Chapter Twenty Eight - Always

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I dropped to my knees, my main focus on comforting the man I loved, trying to hide my pain at his confession. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he wept, silently holding him, until I thought he would be ready to speak. 

"I'm here Chris. I'm here." I whispered to him as I gripped him tighter in an attempt to comfort him. 

"What am I going to do Y/N?" He mumbled into his hands. I reached up and took his hands in mine, pulling him to his feet as I did so.

"Let's go sit down." I said softly, gently guiding him towards the couch. We both sat down and I pulled his head onto my breasts, cradling him in my arms.

"I finally had you. Everything was perfect." He muttered. "We can do this right, we can get through this." 

I felt an ache in my chest, choking back my own tears whilst I thought rationally. 

"That's not you Chris." I replied sadly, "I love you and I want to be with you more than anything, but that's not you. You're not the guy who abandons the mother of his child. It's going to hurt, but being there for her is the right thing to do." 

Each word I spoke hurt more than the last, shattering my own heart into a million pieces, but I knew what this burden would do to him, I knew I had to set him free, if I truly loved him. 

"We fought so hard to get here." He cried, finally looking up at me with nothing but hopelessness and despair in his eyes. I wished I could protect him from this pain, but there was nothing I could do.

"Life isn't a romcom Chris." I said, allowing  a tear to finally roll down my cheek. "The girl and the guy don't always end up together, sometimes that just the way it is but I've loved every minute I got to share with you. We just weren't meant to be."

"It's not fair." Chris said sternly, wiping the tears from his face as he stood up from his position, looking down at me with desire and pain. "Come here, please."

I did as he requested and stood up, expecting him to pull me into a hug but he didn't, instead he lunged forward, crashing our lips together furiously, grabbing at my hips roughly and sending waves of pain and pleasure straight to my cunt. 

"Chris..." I whimpered as he began biting and suckling at my neck like a vampire, craving blood for the first time. "You're drunk." 

"If this is the last time I get to have you, then I want to make it count." Chris demanded, more desperate and dominant than I'd ever seen him before. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the despair, I didn't know but it was making me wetter with every second.

I know I should have stopped him, he wasn't thinking clearly, but my body craved him more than ever. He was right, this was the last time, so I gave in to him, my body and soul at his mercy.

I clutched at his neck as he continued biting and sucking from my shoulder to my ear, panting hot breath against my skin. He slipped a hand down the front of my trousers and into my panties without warning, not giving me any time to process before he plunged 2 digits inside my pussy, making me scream in pleasure. 

"Fuck. Chris. I'm gonna.." I moaned loudly, tipping my head back as the pleasure washed over me. 

"Cum baby, please." He begged as he continued rocking his fingers back and forth at an excruciatingly fast pace.

My coil snapped on command, ripping through my body as I struggled to hold myself upright. Chris removed his hand immediately, turning me around to face the couch and pushing my body down so my torso was leant over the soft cushions. It's like he was being driven by his passion, his longing for me taking over. 

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