Chapter Four - Setting Boundaries

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The party was in full swing and after telling myself not to drink excessively, I found myself already on my fourth bottle of beer, but it was helping me with the nerves and I found myself comfortably chatting away to more and more people. Scarlett and Sebastian were there, so it was nice to see a couple of familiar faces and they were joined by a few others from the set that I hadn't met yet, Chris Pratt, Elizabeth Olsen and Tom Hiddleston.

I spent a good hour or so chatting away with Tom, he was asking me about my time in England and he told me a lot about his life over there. I only flirted a little, well, a little by my standards anyway and definitely not allowing myself to get to the level Chris and I had gotten too earlier.

After a while I was stood with Sebastian and Chris in the garden, chatting away as Anthony came up to us with a sulky expression. 

"What's up buttercup?" I teased as he came to a stop in front of us. 

"Behind me." Anthony stated, "Girl with the red dress on, brown hair." 

The three of us all went to look in her direction as we were interrupted.

"Don't all stare at her at once, jeez guys." He panicked.

"Is she the girl you told us about?" Chris asked, trying to now look at her a little less obviously as he sipped his beer.

"Yeah, that's her." Anthony sighed, "I'm not sure it's gonna happen man. I've been turning on the charm and she doesn't seem that interested. I don't understand why she agreed to come if she doesn't like me." 

I glanced up at him, feeling his despair as he tried to understand what was going on in her head and I could tell that he really liked her. Although the idea of relationships had been lost on me over the years, I wasn't oblivious to the fact that other people wanted them, just more self aware that I wasn't the type of girl guys wanted to get serious with.

"Leave it to me." I stated and I began walking in the direction of the girl stood with a couple of others. 

"What are you gonna do?" Sebastian asked.

"Just watch and observe my amazing magical powers." I teased over my shoulder, winking at the boys before carrying on with my mission. 

I approached the girl in the red dress as the two other women walked off in the direction of the house. 

"Hi, I'm Y/N." I said confidently, "Sorry I'm new on set, so I don't really know everyone yet. What's your name?"

"I'm Becca." She responded with a smile, "But I'm not from the set, Anthony invited me." 

She stared over in his direction, chewing on her lip slightly. 

"Oh wow no way." I said nonchalantly, trying to gather as much information as possible before figuring out my game plan. "Are you guys together or?" 

"No. No we're not together." She responded quickly, not taking her eyes off of him. 

"Why not?" I asked.

"I don't know. He's sweet, funny, good looking but...." She paused slightly, chewing her lip again as she folded her arms over her stomach. 

"But what?" I asked again, nudging her shoulder with mine and offering a friendly smile as she glanced my way. 

"I'm a little worried about taking it further. I really like him but what if its.....disappointing...." She said, raising her eyebrows suggestively, alerting me to the true nature of her comment.

"You're worried he's going to be shit in bed?" I said bluntly. She chuckled nervously nodding her head and I quickly formulated a plan.

"Listen." I said, sounding a little shaky, "I shouldn't be telling anyone this and no one else knows so please don't repeat it." 

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