Chapter Eighteen - New feelings

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A week had passed since Chris and I's argument and things were going really well. We would sneak little moments with each other at work, quick kisses, flirtatious glances and occasionally taking a few minutes to grope each other when we found ourselves with a few minutes alone.

Robert kept on pestering me about the apartment. Honestly a part of me wanted to just accept the offer to keep him quiet, but the other part of me knew that I needed to speak to Chris about this properly before I made a decision. I just needed to find the right time.

It was a Friday night and the usual suspects had gathered at Chris' for after work drinks to celebrate the end of the week. Becca and Mackie were loved up as always, cuddled up on one of the couches together. I was sat on the other between Chris and Seb, feeling a slight buzz after drinking 3 beers in quick succession.

Chris had his arm draped over the sofa behind me, lightly grazing my shoulder with his fingertips in an attempt to subtly keep some physical contact between us, with the others blissfully unaware.

"I still can't believe you filled Sebs trailer with balloons." Mackie laughed, causing the rest of the room to laugh alongside him.

"I take my prank wars very seriously." I teased, playfully jabbing Seb with my elbow.

Seb clutched at his rib before casting a scorning look in my direction and said sternly, "You have no idea what's coming Y/N. You've been warned."

I stared back at him, pulling the most serious face I could as he glared back at me, before I couldn't hold it anymore and erupted into laughter pulling him along with me.

This life I found myself in, was becoming like a security blanket to me. I could never have believed I'd feel so safe and comforted. Yet, there was still that niggling feeling in the back of my mind wondering when the penny would drop. It was almost to good to be true.

"I still can't believe that you and Mackie hooked up." Becca suddenly said, pulling me from my thoughts as 3 male faces suddenly burned their sights into my reddening face.

"What?" Chris interjected seeming slightly annoyed and pulling his hand from where it was resting behind my back.

It's not like I could explain in front of everyone, or I risk Becca finding out I lied. Shit.

"Oh shit." Becca said sheepishly. "No one knew did they?"

Mackie sat silently, knowing what I had done but also unable to save me from the situation. Instead a very uncomfortable silence fell across the room as I struggled to come up with a quirky remark to save myself from the situation. Honestly, I would have told Seb and Chris about it sooner if I'd have remembered. It didn't even occur to me.

"I'm gonna get another beer." Seb announced as he rose from his seat and made his way to the kitchen.

"Yeah, me too." I quickly added and followed him as quickly as I could.

We arrived in the kitchen and as Seb began opening the fridge to grab the beers he began whispering to me.

"What the fuck Y/N. Mackie really?"

"God no. Seb, listen. It's a long story but I just told Becca that to help Mackie out. I swear I haven't slept with him." I whispered back frantically, peering over to the sofa where Chris was in a very visible mood. Seb followed my line of sight, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Chris doesn't know either does he." He whispered.

"Nope and I can't exactly say anything in front of Becca." I whispered through gritted teeth.

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