Chapter Thirteen - Rules

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My eyes flickered open as my alarm tone blared next to me. I grumbled profanities beneath my breath as I reached over to it and switched it off. 8.30am, I had almost forgotten about having work today after the events from last night. At that moment I became suddenly aware of the empty space next to me, Chris had gone. Maybe he'd changed his mind about wanting me after all. I decided to push the negative thoughts aside, Chris wasn't the type of person to say things he didn't mean, although that made me more nervous. 

I quickly made my way over to my wardrobe and slipped into a pair of waist high, blue jeans and a black blouse that I tucked into the rim of my jeans. I threw on my red converse and made my way out of my room. 

As I began stepping down the stairs, Chris' body slowly came into view. He was stood in his usual place, preparing the coffee with his back to me, wearing a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt. Pushing my anxieties and nerves down I quickly spoke.

"Morning dickhead." 

He turned around to look back at me instantly, a soft smile forming on his lips as he cast his gaze over me.

"Morning Beautiful." He said softly. 

Unlike the other mornings, for some reason, this mornings comment sent a flush to my cheeks and I felt myself suddenly wanting to attach my lips with his, but he was acting so casually, I didn't want to scare him off. I quickly made my way over to the cupboards to get started on the breakfast. 

I approached the cupboard near him, my heart was pounding heavily as I began reaching into its depths to collect some bowls. A pair of broad hands slowly skimmed around my waist, a weight bore into my back and Chris' lips connected with my cheek. The new feelings within me wanted to slip around and work my tongue into his mouth, but the devious part of brain formulated a mean plan and I couldn't help myself but follow along. 

"What are you doing?" I said quickly, turning to push him away with a shocked expression on my face.

"Really Y/N?" He said sternly, shaking his head. "Are we really going to go through this again?" 

"What are you talking about?" I said softly, doing my best to hold in my smile that was threatening to reveal me. 

"You are unbelievable. I can't believe you are doing this to me again." He said angrily with his hands on his hips, casting his furious gaze to the floor.

I couldn't torture him anymore, he looked so sad at the idea that I was going to reject him all over again. A smirk crawled across my face and I crossed my arms over my stomach, leaning back against the counter. 

"God you're sexy when you're angry." I flirted, biting my lip. 

"What?" He spat as he brought his gaze back up to meet mine, his feature softening as he took in my playful expression.

"Wow." He chuckled, shaking his head, "That was fucking mean." 

"Sorry." I said softly, "I couldn't help myself." 

I stepped closer to him, bridging the gap between our bodies and holding my face inches from his as he stared down at me.

"Now will you please kiss me?" I whispered with a smile. 

He smiled widely, slipping a hand into my hair and pulling our faces together and pressing a soft, sensual kiss onto my lips. My hands made there was up to his chest, clutching his t-shirt as our lips parted and we moved in unison, kissing passionately through the smiles for a few minutes, chuckling happy into each others mouths.

I finally pulled back with a sigh, keeping my hands on his chest as I fought with every urge in my body to stop myself from making him take me against the kitchen counter. 

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