Chapter Twelve - We Need To Talk

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It was the worst night's sleep I'd had for a long time. No matter how much I tossed and turned, I just couldn't get comfortable. My brain was doing somersaults and it wouldn't shut off no matter how hard I tried. When I would eventually fall asleep, I would wake shortly after and the battle would begin all over again.

I woke and drew my attention to the time, it was 4am. I tried for atleast 20 minutes to get back to sleep but of course it was no use and my mouth was bone dry. I figured it was probably safe to sneak downstairs and get a glass of water, or maybe a little something stronger to help me sleep.

I carefully and slowly unlocked my door and then tiptoed down the stairs, entering the kitchen area. The cupboards were opened slowly and I quickly found a glass, filling it with water and drinking the whole thing. I then found a bottle of whiskey in another cupboard and poured some into the same glass.

I brought the glass to my lips taking a huge mouthful and letting the burn settle in my throat. I span myself around ready to take my drink upstairs, only to be met by Chris, standing on the opposite side of the island. His hands pressed down against the counter top and his body bent outwards.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up. I'm just gonna go back to my room." I quickly muttered, my heart pounding heavily as I made my way around the island and attempted to go up the stairs but Chris pushed himself back, folding his arms over his chest and stood dead centre, blocking me from moving.

"We need to talk." Chris said sternly.

" everything okay?" I sighed, thinking on my feet and trying to pretend nothing happened again.

"Don't fucking do that." He said slightly more angrily.

"Do what?" I asked, still trying to get out of it.

"Act like nothing happened. Like you did yesterday morning. I'm not gonna let you do that again." He was speaking so sternly yet he seemed hurt.

"You remembered." I said softly, bringing my finger and thumb to pinch my temple.

"Of course I remembered. And then you came downstairs in the morning and acted like it meant nothing to you. It fucking hurt Y/N." He said angrily.

My eyes filled with tears once more and I knew this was going to escalate so I tipped the rest of the amber liquid quickly down my throat and placed the glass on the counter.

"What do you want me to say Chris?" I asked softly, trying my best to avoid making eye contact.

"I want you to say that you feel something between us. That I'm not fucking crazy. That us kissing actually meant something to you." His body inched closer as he spoke and he gripped my arm.

"Chris....I....I can't." I whimpered.

"Why because of your brother? Or because it actually did mean nothing to you?" He said angrily.

"Because I don't want to lose you!" I yelled, allowing the tears to start streaming down my face as I pulled free from his grasp and I barged past him, making my way to my room with him hot on my heels.

"You aren't going to lose me Y/N!" He shouted as I entered my room.

"Chris...please...I can't do this...." I whimpered as I dropped to my bedroom floor, clutching my knees, sobbing heavily.

"Hey....hey...." He whispered as he knelt down on the floor next to me and wrapped his arms around me shoulders, pulling me in to his chest and stroking my hair.

"Please Y/N." He whispered, "Please just talk to me."

I stayed silently in his arms, nuzzling my soaked face into his warm chest as I steadied my breathing. He rested his chin on my head, gently stroking my head and holding me close.

"Why do you think you're going to lose me?" He whispered after a few minutes of silence.

"Everyone I've ever been romantic with, they leave. No one sticks around. I'm not the girl you fall in with. I'm not the girl you date. I'm the girl you fuck and then sneak away from the next day." I whimpered, "You mean too much to me, I can't lose you too, no matter what I feel."

I felt his grip on me tighten and he moved his chin to press a kiss onto my head, before resting it back in its original position.

"I'm not those guys Y/N. I'm not going to run away. I want to be with you. I'm crazy about you, I wish you could see that. Please give me a chance to show you that you are worthy of love." He whispered.

"Chris..." I whimpered, shaking my head against his chest.

He placed his hands on my cheeks and pulled my head to face him, gazing into my eyes.

"Please Y/N." He begged. "Please give me a chance."

He pulled my face to his, pressing a soft tearful kiss onto my lips before pulling away once more to search my eyes for an answer.

"I can't even if I wanted too, Robert said..." I began saying but was cut off.

"I don't fucking care what Robert said. We've got time to work all that stuff out." He whispered sternly.

"I need you to tell me Y/N." He whimpered pulling my face towards his so he could press our foreheads together, "I can't carry on just being your friend. Please tell me you want me too."

"I want you." I whispered. "Of course I want you."

We both took a few seconds to let my confession sink in, both of us panting heavily through the tears as our foreheads remained pressed together.

I finally prized our heads apart and pulled back enough to notice the soft smile that had formed on Chris' lips. I ran my hand through his hair clutching onto him tightly and pulled his lips back to meet mine. We held the kiss for a long time, both of us smiling into it before we finally parted our lips and deepened the kiss, moving our mouths in perfect synchronization. He moved his hands around my waist and pulled me so that I ended up straddling his lap as we made out.

I couldn't quite grasp how I was feeling, it was such a mix of emotions. Happiness, fear, anxiety. I didn't know which one to focus on. All I knew was that kissing him felt right, it felt whole.

After a few minutes, Chris pulled away from the kiss, gripping his arms around my waist and pulling me in for a tight hug. I settled my face into the crook of his neck, breathing deeply.

"You should get some sleep. In the morning we need to properly talk about all this. Okay?" He whispered.

"Okay." I whispered.

He lifted me up from the floor, still cradling me in his arms as he carried me over to the bed and placed me down on the mattress. He pressed a soft kiss onto my forehead before pulling my blankets over me.

"Goodnight beautiful." He said softly.

"Wait. Chris. Please can you stay with me?" I begged, not wanting to be alone after the whirlwind of emotions id just experienced.

"Sure. Of course." He said softly.

He approached the opposite side of the bed and climbed under the blankets, settling himself down next to me and I turned, snuggling onto his chest as his arm wrapped tightly around my shoulder.

After a few minutes, I finally fell into a deep sleep.

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