Chapter Fourteen - Late Nights

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When we arrived at the lot for work that day, I was immediately greeted by Robert, who wrapped his arms around me pulling me in for a tight hug.

"Someone's in a good mood." I squeezed out whilst being choked by the embrace.

"I have to be in a good mood to hug my own sister?" Robert said sarcastically as he pulled away.

"Pretty much yeah." I teased.

"Hey man." Robert said to Chris and they exchanged a small hug before Robert told him they had a few things to discuss and so I made my way to Mira, who was sat at a table nearby going through the schedule.

Chris and I kept stealing glances at one another as we spoke with our retrospective colleges. I couldn't help but bite my lip, god he was making me so god damn nervous. My leg was bouncing up and down erratically as the nerves took control of my body.

Mira and I began going through the days itinerary, checking what times Robert had scenes and makeup. We weren't working for long before we were interrupted.

"Hey doll!" Sebastian said happily as he bent down to where I was sat and put his arms around me for a cuddle.

"Hey Seb." I said with a smile.

"I'm going to get a coffee, do you want one?" He asked, being overly friendly.

"Oh my god, yes please! You're the best." I groaned. He flashed me an ultra friendly smile and then ran off in the direction of the coffee trucks.

I had no idea what was going on with him this morning, he was acting weirder than usual, I was beginning to wonder if Chris had mentioned something to him, although I hoped he hadn't.

A few minutes later he arrived back with two coffees in his hand and passed one over to me, before walking off to join Chris, Rob and Mackie who were all happily talking away, a few feet from us. 

I brought the hot beverage to my lips, ready to let the caffeine melt my nerves away. As I took a large sip, a foul bitter taste entered my mouth and I instantly spat my mouthful all over the desk, causing the gentlemen to turn towards me to see the commotion. Sebastian had a stupid smile plastered on his face.

"Really Seb?" I shouted, squinting my eyes to glare at him, "Fucking vinegar in my coffee, that's low." 

The 3 others began laughing hysterically. Chris had his hand over his chest as he belly laughed at an annoyingly loud volume. Seb just stood there with a stupid smug grin on his face. 

"You're fucking dead Stan, you don't mess with a persons coffee." I snarled.

"Didn't you put salt in my coffee your first week here?" Robert said sarcastically.

"Yep, she definitely did." Interjected Chris with a smirk. 

My mouth opened to think of some snarky comment as they all ganged up on me but instead I just stood there for a few seconds with my mouth hanging open like an idiot. 

"Fuck you all." I finally said getting up from my seat, "Robert we need to get to make-up."

They all laughed again as Robert left to join me and Mira and we walked off towards the make up trailer. 

I cast my gaze back over my shoulder, watching as Seb, Chris and Mackie chuckled away together. Chris quickly glanced over at me, softening his smile before looking away back to the others. My heart began pounding instantly. What the fuck was happening to me? How could a small smile make me feel like this?


"So I've found an apartment not far from my place." Robert said confidently as he was having his makeup done. 

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