Chapter Two - Making bonds

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Over the first few days of working, I stayed very close to Mira, watching her every move and learning how to interact with Roberts schedule. She showed me where to input new appointments, how to log that days itinerary and how to make Roberts coffee, which awarded her an inconspicuous eye roll.

I didn't get much chance to talk to any of Roberts friends as they were all in and out of the building, in make up or filming and I was busy running around after Mira or dealing with my brother's every demand. I was beginning to think he was asking me to do the most ridiculous tasks on purpose just to test me. For example he had me separate a packet of skittles into colours and just this morning he asked me to polish his sunglasses, all twenty pairs! I don't even want to know why he had so many on set but he was definitely smirking as I did it.

By the fourth day I finally got a short break whilst Mira carted Robert off to another studio for an interview. I offered to go but Mira told me to stay behind and take some time out, she was well aware of how much Robert was punishing me. I decided to spend my time getting something to eat from the food hall.

There was a huge spread of buffet style food, hot food trucks making a variety of delicious smelling items and someone making coffees and smoothies. I was completely spoilt for choice. I selected a huge chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting and sprinkles from the table and headed in the direction of Roberts trailer, planning on taking a well earned nap after I'd eaten.

I was walking past the other trailers when I heard a loud bang and someone shouted 'fuck'. My eyes searched the surroundings when I came across a trailer with the door swung open and I couldn't stop myself from peering inside.

Chris was sat at his table with his elbows on the surface and his head in his hands and a pile of books were scattered over the floor. A part of me was saying move along, it wasn't any of my business, but another part of me was desperate to see if he was okay, he looked distressed and in need of comfort, I had no idea why I thought I could be the one to give it to him.

"For fucks sakes, those fucking books. Did they call you a bitch too?" I said sarcastically as I leant against his door with a half smile.

Chris lifted his head offering me a confused look before I continued.

"You know, inanimate objects are the fucking worst. There's just something about them that screams 'hit me' don't you agree?" I said smirking more widely.

His lip began curling upwards and a small chuckle escaped from his lips.

"So what did they do? You can tell me, I won't report you." I said, trying to hold in a laugh.

"You're funny." He said, sitting back in his seat and relaxing slightly, keeping his eyes on me as he smiled.

"You want to talk about it?" I asked.

"Uhhh....yeah...Sure." He sighed, gazing up at me as I stood in the doorway, sucking my bottom lip into my mouth.

"Do you want to come in or are you just gonna stand there and gawk at me?" He said with a smirk.

"Oh I'll come in, but I won't stop gawking." I teased, stepping into the trailer and hopping over the books.

"I'm sure you deserved it." I said to the books as I stepped over them, causing Chris to laugh more loudly this time as I slid myself opposite him.

He stayed silent for a few seconds, chewing on his bottom lip as he gazed across at me.

"Are you going to tell me what's up or are you going to sit there gawking?" I said sarcastically whilst smiling.

He let out another small chuckle, his shoulders visibly relaxing as he began to speak.

"Do you ever feel like no matter what you do, it's just never enough and you're always letting someone down?" He asked with sadness in his voice.

I thought back on my morning with Robert a few days ago, how I'm always disappointing him, how much my lifestyle upsets him and it doesn't take long for me to register exactly how Chris was feeling.

"Yeah." I sighed, "All the time."

I offered him a reassuring smile and he smiled back, both of us seemingly happy to have someone understand.

"Yeah, well. I let someone down. Again." He sighed, staring down at the table as he entwined his fingers together.

"Was it something you could change? Or was it out of your control?" I asked.

"Completely out of my control. Although I'm not sure that makes it any better." He sighed again, looking up through his eyelashes at me sadly.

"Yeah I get that. But at the end of the day, if there's nothing you can do to change the situation, you shouldn't let yourself feel guilty about it." I said softly, "I'm sure whoever you've upset will calm down soon and realise that if there was anything you could do, you would."

"How do you know I would?" He asked.

"You're a good person. I can tell. I don't know if Roberts mentioned but I'm kind of a genius." I joked, smirking widely as I searched his face, waiting to see if I could get a small smile from him.

It slowly slipped in, starting from the very left corner of his mouth, a tiny curl that slowly turned into the sweetest chuckle and smile I have ever seen.

"Wow. Well, thank you Y/N. I'm sorry for laying all that on you. It just seemed easy to talk to you." He smiled.

"You don't need to apologize." I said confidently. "Now I have one final question."

"Oh yeah. What is it?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Do you wanna share this cake with me? It's fucking huge." I laughed, holding the cake out onto the table. Chris let out a loud laugh before nodding gently.

I split the cupcake down the middle and passed half over to him, feeling the slightest bit of electricity as my finger grazed his, causing me to gulp inaudibly.

"So listen." He said as he bit into his half of the cupcake, "I'm having a party at my place tomorrow night. Do you think you'd want to come?"

He keeps eye contact as I bit into my own half of cake, pondering on it for a few minutes.

"Are you sure you want me there? I mean, you only met me a few days ago." I said curiously, desperately hoping that he'll say yes.

"Yeah I'm sure." He smiles, "You're Robert's sister and it would be nice for all of us to get to know you better. When you're not running around polishing sunglasses." He said with a wide smirk.

"That fucking asshole." I gasp as I slouch back into my seat, realising that Robert really has been trying to wind me up and clearly bragging to his friends about it.

"That's it. I'm putting salt in his coffee." I smirk and Chris let out his loudest laugh yet, clutching his hand over his right boob and throwing his head back.

At that moment, my phone began ringing. I pulled it from my pocket and peered down at the screen, noticing an incoming call from Mira.

"AHH I need to take this. Robert will probably be back any minute. Sorry." I say through gritted teeth as I get up from my seat.

"It's okay, duty calls." Chris smiled. "Thanks for the chat...and the cupcake."

"Anytime." I smiled in return before heading out of his trailer.

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