Paris - Part 4

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Joy! I have just seen your instagram. Are you and Oli actually at Disneyland?

Haha, hey Behati!

Of course 😄 We're back in Paris now though.

You two are such children LOL. 

Like you're the same kind of weird, I swear. Sure you're not siblings?



What? Why? Why would you hope not?

I don't know, that would just be way too weird.

Hmm... not because you've kissed or something? 😐

Lol, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but no.

Damn lol.

So how was Disneyland?

Ahhhhh it was so amazing! Oli bought me Minnie Mouse ears and a Bambi sweater and I was running around like a child on a sugar high 😃

It was soooooo much fun! I had THE BEST day with him!

Hahaha, of course... 

I'm trying not to think about it, but I really don't want to leave here tomorrow night... it's been such an amazing week 😔

I'm sure you will be back in Paris again sometime soon.

Especially if you impressed the Gucci guy!

It won't be the same though.

I'm going to cry tomorrow, I can just tell.

When you have to say bye to Oli?

Yeah... we've had so much fun.

I guess I'll see him again briefly in June when I'm in London. 

Exactly! That's only a few months away... 

I know... still. 

Tell him to come visit you then lol. He'd probably come over if you asked him. I mean he gets breaks in the tour...

Yeah, I'll mention it. Maybe he will someday. I don't know.

I guess I can promise a trip to Universal Studios lol


We're going out tonight since it's our last night here... Jared's invited some friends too. I'm not sure where we're going but he knows all the good places so me and Oli just go with whatever he suggests haha. 

I should probably go tbh. I need to take a shower and they'll end up having to wait for me if I don't start getting ready now haha

The 3 of you will be fighting over the hairdryer 🤣🤣🤣

LOL I hadn't thought of that, but you're not wrong....

You clearly have a thing for guys with long hair... well, you never have before, but you obviously do now 😂

No I have a thing for musicians... lol

Even Jon played guitar... and my idiot exes, well one played drums...

LOL! Girl likes herself a rockstar...

It seems that way... lol.

Are you going out partying tonight? Or just dinner???

Oh probably drinking and lord only knows what else lol

Well since it's your last night, I hope you're gonna go wild 😉

I mean, it wouldn't even be awkward if you had a threesome since you're going tomorrow anyway 😅😅😅

Seriously, what is it with you and threesomes?!?!!

What? I'm just saying... live a little.

You are actually the worst. I will be keeping my legs shut, thank you very much lol.

EUGHHHHH why are you so well behaved when you have such exciting opportunities haha.

I don't know, but I'm starting to think that maybe you need to make friends with a couple of famous musicians and live out your own fantasy lol.

Sure, lets just switch places

Uhhhhhhh, find your own musicians! LOL

Well maybe you can have Jared 😅😅

Just Jared? Not Oli too?



Because you can't. He is off limits. 

Hahaha, alright. Protective much?

Makes me think you wouldn't let me have him because you want him for yourself 😉

FYI - I'm not into Oli, so don't worry, lol. I was just testing you and you failed miserably. 

Don't start this again...


Nah, I'm just playing. You know I love giving you shit.

Yes, I know 🙄🙄🙄

Well have a great night, do crazy shit, have fun, get drunk, dance, kiss someone... you know... all the fun things.

I will definitely have fun.

Good. Message me before you get on the plane?


Speak to you soon. Have funnnnn!!! 😍

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