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Hey Behati... Oli just told me he's writing a song about me. Not sure how I feel about that since his music is usually screamy and angry lol

He's so in love with you 🙄

No he's not. He doesn't even write love songs...

Let me repeat: He's so in love with you.

Ughhh... you're so annoying. We are just friends, I swear.

Uh huh. That's what you said about Adam!!!!

That's different. We went on a date. I hang out with Oli cus we're FRIENDS!

I've known him since I was 6 for God's sakes!

Hahaha. Calm down Miss popularity... 

I'm being serious though, he definitely likes you more than friends.

He doesn't. He sees me like a sister 🙄

You are hopeless. The way he is around you is totally different to how he usually is. He drops the whole tough 'I hate the world' act. And if I had a dollar for every time he complimented you...

You don't even know when guys are flirting with you.

Haha that is true. I suck at flirting. I really don't notice him being different with me though.

You don't notice guys falling over themselves around you? lol. 

But yeah, anyway, I just have a feeling he likes you. A lot.

And you wouldn't see a change because if you're with him he's being "Happy depressive emo Oli" not normal depressive emo Oli.

Anyway, serious question: have you slept with him?

What?! No!!

Hahahaha... OK, I just wondered. So no "benefits" then?

Jesus! No. I mean, we cuddle... but I haven't made out with him or anything.


You cuddle!? How cute lol.

Wait. Do you want to make out with him?

Have you ever thought about sleeping with him?

I have thought about it lol


I knew it. You horny bitch! 

Do you wanna do stuff with Jared too????!!!?!

Sometimes lol 🤣


Hahahaha... as if you're any better. You would too.

Nah, not my type. You're the one with a thing for guys with long hair! LOL

Well I'm sure Jared would be up for some fun on your little trip to Cannes... Are you sharing a room? 😏

OMG there will be none of that happening! No way!

We are sharing a room, but it has 2 bedrooms!

I am not a hussy!!

Mhmmm lol. 

And I totally forgot to tell you that Oli is staying with us in Paris!


I knew you were going to go to his show after Cannes, but you're all staying together??!?!?!

Oh man, that sounds like some kind of wicked fantasy...

If you have a threesome fantasy, now's your chance! 🤣🤣🤣

Oh you are so gross!

I don't... no way!

Haha, Jared is kinky as shit. He would totally go for it. 

Oli though... I don't think he'd want to share you lol...

You're so vile 🙄🙄🙄

We're not having a threesome.

Haha, well I think Oli is majorly into you... even if he pretends to hate love. You're childhood sweethearts! Jared is defo into you too, but probably for something more casual if you know what I mean.

I know what you mean you dork. 

I dunno about Oli though... I don't think he's bothered about relationships.

Not with other people, no...

Let's be real, you know what his past is like... he's been with A LOT of girls lol

Yeah... before you were back in his life. 

How many has he been with since you re-appeared? 😉

Guys develop soft spots for girls. Doesn't matter how he is or was with other girls, he's different with you. Just cus his past is crazy, doesn't mean he can't meet someone who changes that and makes him want to be with just that one girl...

I'm pretty sure with the gazillion girls out there drooling over him, that would not be me, but thanks for the compliment lol

Oh please!!!!! Bitch you're amazing and you know it.

And besides, he will always have you a pedestal...


Serious. If I were a guy, I'd want you too lol.

Hahaha, good to know! 

FYI If you were a guy you'd be insanely hot and I'd want you too 😁

Hahahaha. This is getting weird.

You started it!!!!

Hahaha, true. 

Well, I gotta fly hun. Let's catch up for coffee tomorrow?

Sounds good x

Have fun at your event tonight.

Find some sexy guys to flirt with! You know, since I'm not a guy 😋

Oh you're such an idiot! lol 

Haha you love me. Talk soon xx

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