Oli's Date - Part 2 (8:32pm)

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Hey I'm back

How did it go?!?! You weren't very long....

Yeah, not my type. Didn't seem down to earth. Too serious.

Too serious?

Well we are always laughing and being dumb and not taking life too seriously. She was too worried about everything and was so serious about the whole thing.

Aww, maybe she was just nervous.

I dunno. Either way, I didn't feel anything

Oh 😥

Poor girl, she probably just really wanted to impress you.

I don't think so. 

Tell me what your idea of a perfect date is. Then I'll tell you hers.

Mmm I'd say like, hiking somewhere and having a picnic, or maybe a theme park!

See! You say fun stuff, she said 'dinner at a fancy restaurant then going out for dancing and drinks'.

Sounds like my kind of nightmare.

Hmm... yeah ok, but I guess it's a pretty standard answer. I think most people would say that.

You wouldn't...

Anyway, she just seemed kind of... I dunno, I just didn't find conversation easy. Nothing in common. She didn't seem down to earth and laid back at all... she seemed like she'd be high maintenance.

Mmm OK, maybe she doesn't sound like your type then.

What a waste of time

I'm sorry 😥

Not your fault. I just hate dating so much 🤢

Aww... you will find someone though Oli. You're such an amazing guy, there's no way you wont eventually find the most perfect girl who makes you stupidly happy. I know she is out there for you!


You deserve so much happiness... You will be the best thing that ever happens to someone. I know you don't like to admit it, but you're the sweetest and most thoughtful guy I know.

You're being too nice to me right now.

Feel free to keep the compliments coming though 🤣 

I don't mind you talking me up lol

But that's just it – I'm not talking you up! I don't think you know how amazing you are! I know you've had some dark stuff in the past, and known some bad people, but it's made you the most humble, understanding person... I think you're really very special 😘

I think that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said about me... I find it weird, but Thanks

And for the record, I think you're pretty special too. You're 1 in 7.6 billion

How many people are in the world? Lol

7.6 billion haha

LOL! Thanks Oli 🥰

Maybe we should just make a pact now that if we're both still single in ten years, that we'll give up on everyone else and just get together haha

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