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I feel like I haven't spoken to you in ages

I know it's only been a few days but....... how's things?

Hey Oli

Sorry, I should have messaged you.

No, no, it's alright. Just wanted to check in. 

Is everything OK? 💗

You seem... down?

How do you do that?

Do what?

Read me so easily... even though text on a screen.

I've barely even said a word...

Haha, I don't know. Telepathy? 

But forget that, what's up? 🙁

That guy I was seeing... we went on our 3rd date last night.

He kind of dumped me.

HE WHAT?!?!?!?! 

Are you fucking serious? 

Yeah. Honestly, I don't even want to give it any more head space.

OMG.... I'm speechless. What a fucking idiot!

He said he liked me but we're both moving around too much and that he couldn't promise to be faithful when we'd always be apart so much... 


He's a fucking moron! 

I cannot believe he said that to you....

Well at least he was honest I guess... better than being cheated on again.

Joy, this guy must not have his head screwed on right. He shouldn't even WANT anyone else if he has you! Nobody in their right mind would break up with you for that reason... he clearly didn't appreciate you for and all of the amazing things you are.

Who knows. Oh well...

Well it's his loss because you're perfect.

I'm far from it.

I disagree.

Anyway, please don't feel like shit because of him.

I know, I shouldn't... it's just hard not to feel kind of down about it.

Makes me feel like I'm not enough, you know.

Don't think that. 

You are more than enough, you are everything anyone could ever want.

He was just an idiot.

Maybe I'll believe that one day. Thank you though.

Sorry I've been quiet... I was moping around and feeling sorry for myself 🙄

It's OK, you're allowed to be sad and hurt.

You don't have to be happy all the time...

I just wish I could give you a great big bear hug 🤗

I'd squeeze you so tight your brains might come out your ears 😝

Ewwwww, that's disgusting lol

Haha, at least I made you laugh.

Lol, you're such a dork


Just trying to cheer you up and make you smile.

You did 😊 Thanks Oli

Anytime 💗

So how are you? I've done nothing but talk about myself... 

It's totally fine. I haven't been doing a whole lot, just writing really.

I was writing when I messaged you! I needed a break lol

Ah. How's it going? Any #1 hits yet???

Haha, have you heard the shit that tops the charts? 😂

We're never making that shit, so we're never making a #1 hit!

But I've got some good stuff I think

Haha... true. That's awesome, what are you writing about?

Mmm... the usual kind of stuff. Betrayal, doom, misery, death, love.

I was just writing this song that's about being happy, but it's depressing... it's kind of funny really.

Lol, you're such a creative. I can't wait to hear it!

Well it's just words right now, but you'll be the first once we record it 😚


Speaking of songs, I probably should get back to this song... see if I can finish it today. Jordan is coming up tomorrow to start looking at stuff and I wanna show him this if I can.

Of course! 

Well I will stop being a distraction 😝

And I'm sure you'll get it done. You're so talented... it blows my mind.

You're the best kind of distraction 😄

Hahaha, Thanks for being mind-blown.

I'm honestly so happy that you got the success you always dreamed of 

You deserve it and I'm really proud of you 🥰 

Aww... Thanks Joy 😊 You're the sweetest.

Well, I'll let you go, but thanks for messaging and checking up on me.

It's like you really are telepathic sometimes lol.

You're the best person in the world 💗

Second best after you 😉

But you're welcome. 

I'm always here for you 💗💗💗

Thank you, I'm here for you too 💗

Goodnight Oli xx


Keep smiling 😊 xoxo

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