When Best Friends Meet

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Hey Joy, I know you're probably only just getting home from our brunch, but... I really like Oli.


Hey Be! I knew you would. He's amazing, right?!

Yep. I guess it's proof you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover!

Honestly, I thought he was going to be... well, let's just say he's humble and kind.

Though I guess you wouldn't be such good friends with him if he was an asshole....

And he is soooooo sweet with you, it's crazy. 

I think you should just marry him now 🤣

Hahahaha... calm down!

OMG his accent and his smile... I was in awe. And seriously, the way he looks at you is 😐😍

Haha I told you his accent was awesome. And his smile is crazy, right?

I know I'm being OTT but really, I can't believe how nice he is, and he almost seems kinda shy. It's really endearing given that he's the lead singer of a super in your face band!

Yeah, he definitely has 2 very different sides to him lol

I think you and him together is actually the cutest thing... and I'm not being weird, I really mean it. You're actually adorable together... like you're the same kind of weird.

And I still can't get over the way he looks at you...

We are pretty close and I guess he knows my past so he looks out for me

Babe I would never push you into anything, but you know it's more than that, don't you?

What do you mean?

Girl, he is soooooo in love with you.

Nah. Maybe he loves me, but he's not "in love" with me

You really think that????

He worships the ground you walk on. He would literally do anything for you.

It's not like that...

I think it is....

I just want you to see it how I see it, that's all. 

When you took that call and he was alone with me, he did nothing but talk about how amazing you are. I don't think he even realised that he was doing it tbh. And when I said that I'd heard a lot about him because you completely adore him, his face lit up with the biggest smile. You obviously mean so much to him.

Really? Aww....

He means a lot to me too... but I don't think it's what you're thinking.

Besides, if we crossed that line, we could never go back.

I wouldn't risk it.

I get what you're saying, but I really feel like if you did cross that line, you wouldn't ever want or need to go back. I actually think you are kind of perfect for each other... and literally so cute together even though I never would have picked it.

He's not the 'typical' hot guy you usually go for, lol

I don't know what to say.

I don't really think about relationships very much, it's just too hard when I'm working on my career and moving around all the time. It's like Jon said when he rejected me; we would never even see each other.

Besides, my track record is horrible. I don't think I'm cut out for a serious relationship.

I just don't see that for myself, not now anyway.

I know, cus you've been hurt in the past you just kind of ignore anything beyond friendship... I don't meant that in a bad way but you just kind of automatically rule that possibility out cus of what happened to you the other times

Yeah 😥

But you can't do that forever, or you'll never find someone

I'm telling you now, he would never hurt you. He's not a douchebag, it's really obvious

I know he's not, he's lovely.

He really is... and he is really in love with you. Even if you don't see it, you have to trust me on this lol

Yeah but I live in LA.... he lives in England.

So? He would move for you lol

He wouldn't move because of his dogs, and I would never want him to anyway! 

His whole life is in England.

PLUS he's always on tour and I'm always moving around... we would literally never even see each other. Besides, I love his friendship. I would never risk losing that. We have too much history and it's just way too complicated. 

Well I don't know, but true love knows no boundaries. 

I think if you let him love you, he would move heaven and earth to make it work and I think he'd make you really happy.

He would, he already makes me happy but it's too complicated with our jobs and the distance and everything.

😔 But, love...


Why are you suddenly such a romantic?

I just want you to be happy 🧡

I am happy 😊

I have the most amazing friends in you and Oli, I don't need anything else.

OK, as long as you're happy that's all I want.

So... what were you talking about with Oli about camping with the band? You don't mean like actually camping do you?

LOL, no... more like glamping. They're going to have a little holiday before their next tour leg so they're doing this four-wheel driving, glamping thing in Jamaica and Oli invited me to go with them. I'll probably go, I mean, hello - Jamaica!!!!

It actually sounds pretty fun, so provided I don't have anything with work...

Can I come too?! LOL It sounds awesome.

I know, right!? So excited!

Hey, Oli's back. I better go!

Where did he go???

Just down the road to get some pain killers, he has a bit of a headache.

Probably your fault for grilling him all morning 😛

Pffff... I didn't grill him. I was on my best behaviour. 

Lol, I guess...

Talk to you later x

Haha, cya xx

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