Memories of Home

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OMG! 🤣

Haha shutup.

I went for a hike with some of my model friends this morning... and one of them was wearing a Drop Dead shirt! I mean I was too, but she's famous lol

Anyway, we went by a juice bar after our hike and one of the paparazzi dudes yelled out "What's Drop Dead?" and she said "Google it!" 🤩🤩🤩

Haha, it was so cool! I hope the blogs post the photos 😍

Ahh! That's so awesome!

I love how excited you are about this hehe 😁😁

Well it's pretty cool! She's super famous!

It is really amazing. Thanks for hooking me up!! You're the best 😊

Any time 😊

Are you at home now?

Yeah, just doing some research for an upcoming shoot. Gotta know the brand inside and out!

How was your day? Where are you right now?

I'm in Auckland. New Zealand.



Yeah, literally probably the farthest away I could be from home lol

Is it nice there?

I guess. It's 1am and we only got in around 8pm so I haven't seen much. 

I'm not tired at all... Stupid time zones. lol

Ohhhhhh that sucks. Have you got your sleepy tea and pills?

Yeah, I took one just before. Hopefully I'll get tired soon lol.

Have you tried the meditation app I put on your phone?!

Nah, not yet. I will though.

So what are you doing? Just sitting there staring at the wall?? lol

So what are you doing? Just sitting there staring at the wall?? lol

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Pretty much lol

Well laying on the bed... I have some late-night movie on, don't know what it is.

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