Dating Dilemmas - Part 3

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Joy! Girl! 

How was last night with Jacob? Tell me everything! 🍆😍

Hey Behati.

Nothing happened.

Wait, WHAT???!?!?!


I couldn't, I didn't even kiss him.

Joy.... WHAT?

Be, I just can't.

Not even can't, I don't even want to.


This is cus of Oli isn't it?!

Do NOT let him guilt you!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not Be, I just don't feel it.

You don't feel it? What?? You were super into Jacob, now you're suddenly uninterested!?

Girl. I have a yes or no question for you.

Are you in love with Oli?


It's not that...

That's a yes.

For God's sake Joy, if you have feelings for the guy, fucking do something about it!

He's clearly in love with you.

No, I just feel like I'm betraying him or something.

Ask him what happened last night and then see how you feel about him...


I'm pretty sure he hooked up with two girls last night. Ask him.

So while you were NOT doing anything with the guy you're dating because you were thinking about hurting Oli's feelings, he completely forgot about you and was fucking not one, but two random sluts. 

He obviously thought he'd get back at you by being a whore.

And if that makes you upset or makes you feel hurt or something, then you obviously have feelings that you refuse to acknowledge.

Sorry, but it's true.

Ask him about it. Maybe I'm wrong.

I don't know why you do this to yourself...

---------MOVING ON---------

Hey Oli

Hi Joy

How are you?

Could be better. You?


I'm going back to LA today

It's only Saturday. What happened to your weekend with loverboy?

Lets just say that has come to an end

What do you mean?

I guess I don't want to be here with him

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