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Hey Oli!

Hey Joy, how are you?

I'm good. I can't believe it's been a month since we were in Paris already...


I printed the photo of us at Disneyland and stuck it on my fridge 😁

Awww... that's a bit cute. I'll have to print it too and put it in a frame 😊

So how's LA? You've been going to heaps of events lately, huh?

Yeah... quite a few. Nothing super exciting.

Movie premieres aren't exciting?

Hahaha, you know me... I'm happy keeping it low key 😛

Haha, yeah, but I love that you're so grounded when you're surrounded by the glitz and glam of Hollywood.

Yeah well, it's all for show. Doesn't make anyone happy on the inside.

Anyway, how's the tour? 

Same as always really. I'm trying to get enough sleep and not throw hissy fits at the airports. They're such a drag lol

Yeah, I can totally imagine, unless you're going somewhere exciting it's a chore.

Speaking of going somewhere exciting, you should come to LA sometime. There's so many things we could do! Like Universal Studios!

OMG I looooooove Universal Studios. I haven't been to the one in LA in years. 

Well I can take you if you wanna visit me 😊

Of course I would love to visit you!

That would be awesome! I'm not sure how many breaks we're gonna have in the next few months... I mean, we have them, but probably not long enough for me to get to LA and back. I will definitely come when I get a chance though since you've invited me 😁

Of course, you're always welcome here 🥰🥰

So what's happening on the tour? Anyone done anything crazy? Have you found any pretty girls? 😁

Hahaha, nah, I mean there's some girls that are alright but not much point since I will leave the next day anyway lol

LOL, I would think you only need one night... 😅😅😅

Nah I don't want that anymore. It was fun back in the day but I can see it's pointless and meaningless now. Seems like a waste of time honestly.

Who are you and what have you done with Oli Sykes?


He is dead. I am the new and improved 2.0 Sykes.

Hahaha, ok alien boy. 

You're still calling me that?

Yep 👽👽


Anyway, I actually messaged you for a reason... I went out to lunch with some friends today - friends that are significantly more famous than me (which isn't hard lol) aaannndddd the paparazzi were around.

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