Dating Dilemmas - Part 2

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Hey Joy, how is the roadtrip going?

Hey Oli, it's going fine! We got here about 2hrs ago. I'm already by the pool lol

I thought of you when we drove past the alien jerky shop! 😄 haha

Lol, you shouldn't be thinking of me when you're with your boyfriend.

Lol come on, you're my best friend, I'm allowed to think of you! 

Besides, I told Jacob all about you and he likes your music🙂

But anyway, how are you?

Hungover AF

Oh lol, that sounds appealing. I thought you weren't drinking again after the last time you were hungover!

Yeah me either - such a crazy night!!

Did you and the boys go out?

Yeah it was great - I woke up at Matt's lol

Oh wow lol

No idea how I got here

Lol, so you have no recollection of the night? It must have been good!

Mmm I remember parts lol

Feels like the old days when we were young and on tour haha... 

Oh really? That sounds crazy. 

You have no idea!

But anyway, I was just saying Hi and that I hope loverboy is everything you want

I better go sort myself out and kick some random people out of this house lol

Talk to you later

Hey, is everything OK there?

It's better than OK, it's fucking great

Ok, well that's good then 🙂

Talk to you soon x

---------IMMEDIATELY AFTER---------


Hey girl, what's the tea?

Oli just sent me messages saying he went out last night and got drunk

Okkkkk? And that is a problem why?

Well I tell him I'm seeing someone and the same night he gets wasted? He doesn't go out and get plastered like that. And he said it was like their old tour days... he's told me stories about their tour days... it was absolutely insane. 

Joy I wouldn't worry about it. He will be fine. 

It probably did him the world of good to let loose

I guess so

Mmmmm have you seen his insta?

No, why? Whats on there?

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