Camping - Part 1

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Hey Be...

Omg, you've survived the first day! 😆😆😆

How has it been?

Well, we left at 4am, so that was... interesting LOL

I'd had 3 coffees by 10am.

We arrived at the place at 9am and hiked for like 2 hours, then climbed and set up camp. 

Wow... are you exhausted? LOL

Yes, lol.

You'll be so proud of me though, or maybe terrified... 


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Holy shit, you took that photo?


That's how high I got before I refused to go any further 😅


Jared helped me obviously. 

How has he been? He looks fucking happy in that photo! Haha

I mean, he's with a fucking hot babe so naturally he's happy...


I think he was just amused because I was freaked out. We were only standing on a little ledge...

He's been really patient with me though, teaching me and making sure I'm alright. 

He actually seems sooooo much more relaxed out here.

Yeah well I guess he's away from paparazzi and everything else.


Do you think he likes you? 🤔🤔🤔

Nah, it's not like that.

Are you sure? I mean, you also don't realise that Oli is in love with you...

🙄 No, we are just friends.

Like you're just friends with Oli?


Well it sounds like you're having fun anyway lol

Mmmm yeah, apart from having mini heart attacks on the side of a cliff. LOL

I'm down at the camp, some of them are still climbing 😐 Totally freaking me out just watching them.

I just thought I'd let you know that I'm still alive lol

Hahaha, well that's good to know!

What are you doing tonight?

I don't know, we're having a bonfire for sure, but I don't know what else. Guess I'll just listen to them talk about climbing, eat my dinner and sleep.

You have a tent, right? 

Yeah, well, kinda

Are you sharing with Jared??

Yeah 😶 But I have my own sleeping bag.

So don't get any ideas.

Wow, OK... lol. You might have to share body heat 😂😉


We wont.

Don't you usually cuddle with Oli?


So why wouldn't you cuddle with Jared? It's the same thing.

Especially if it's cold, which it is!

It's not the same thing.

Sure it is... 

Why is it different?

Aren't you just friends with both of them?

You're annoying.

I'm going... 

Hahahaha, alright, I'll stop! I was just saying...

You were being annoying!

I actually am going though, I should help get firewood before it's completely dark.

OK, well message me tomorrow, keep me updated on your life status 🤣

I'd like you to come back in one piece.

Lol, sure. Talk to you later x

Cya bish!

Have fun x

But not too much 😉

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