Paris - Part 5

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Behati... I'm so sad 😭😭😭

Are you at the airport?

Yeah. Oli just boarded his plane 😔

Aww. You'll see him again soon.

I cried.

Now I look like a raccoon.

Jared probably thinks I'm a fucking crazy person.

I fucking HATE goodbyes 😭

Awww... He won't think that, I'm sure he saw how close you and Oli are, he would understand.

Did Oli cry too?

No, but he was really sad. I felt bad for crying, I think it made him feel worse.

I'm sure it didn't. I'm sure it makes him happy deep down because it shows how much you care, how strong your bond is, you know?

Yeah I guess...

Anyway, we're in the lounge waiting and I look a mess. I'm in the bathroom and I have makeup wipes so I'll sort myself out. I just feel silly.

There would be hundreds of people crying in airports every single day. Don't worry about it.

You know what, you're right. I'm over-reacting.

Goodbyes TOTALLY suck though.

I miss Oli already 😓

I know... you'll talk to him soon though.

I know... it's just hard when you spend time with someone and it's so amazing and then it's taken away... but yeah, I guess it's not forever.

It's not. You'll see him soon.

Thanks for the pep talk 💗

Of course!!!!! Message me when you land, OK? 😘

I will. See you tomorrow xx

Have a safe flight xo

---------ALSO HAPPENING---------

Hey Jordan, I'm on the plane about to take off. Are you still right to pick me up at the airport?

Yeah man, I'll be there. You land at 5:30pm, right?

Yeah, I'll msg you when I've got my bag.

Sounds good.

How was your last day?

Mmmm it was alright. We all went to this art gallery and Joy and I managed to get an hour alone, just grabbed coffee and wandered along the river back to the apartment. It was so sunny, we couldn't not take one last walk... 

I really didn't want to leave. I mean I miss my dogs but... 

But you'll miss her more. I understand.

How were the goodbyes at the airport?

Awful. She cried 😥😥😥😥


I hated leaving her. I mean, she wasn't alone but she was so upset.

I wish I had the later flight so she left me tbh.

It just breaks my heart to see her like that 😓

She's coming to England in June, isn't she?

Yeah, she is, I kept reminding her of that... 

Well I guess it just means she cares. She wouldn't be upset if she didn't.

I know, in a selfish way, it's nice. I just HATE seeing her cry, it's awful.

Anyway, they're about to shut the door so I better get off my phone... thanks again for picking me up.

No worries man, I'll see you when you get here

I owe you one. Cya soon

Nah, all good. Cya.

---------THAT NIGHT---------

Hey Joy, I know you'll still be on your flight back to LA, but I just wanted to say that I had the most amazing time in Paris. I'm so glad we got to hang out and have so much fun... it's always the best time when we're together. Jared's pretty cool too but let's be honest, the best day was when we were alone at Disneyland, lol. Anyway, I hope you're feeling better now and you manage to get some sleep on the flight. I'm already looking forward to seeing you again in June 😘 Take care and I'll talk to you again soon xoxoxox

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