Chapter 3

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Jungwon continued to search for Jay who is nowhere to be found. Luckily, he saw one of Jay's friend.

"Should I approach him? But what's his name?" Jungwon said in his mind. Without second thoughts, he rushed towards the person.

"Hi? Uhm, I saw you earlier with Jay. May I ask what's your name?"

"Hello, I'm Jake and yeah he's my friend." Jake, the Australian student, answered. "Are you also interested in my friend?"

"uhh..." Jungwon uttered. "Are they really this confident about themselves?" he spoke to himself again.

Jake noticed Jungwon's expression and immediately changed the topic. "Just kidding! So why did you ask?"

"I just want to know where he is. His dad told me to find him. Can you help me?"

"I'm not so sure. You know, Jay is not in good terms with his dad. And I think I can't help you with-"

Jake was stopped when Jungwon started doing a cute pouty face, a sign that he's really begging him. Jake couldn't handle the younger's cuteness and gave up easily.

"He's at the Foodcourt. He's probably with his girl."

"Yay! Thank you so much Jake hyung! You are the best!" Jungwon jumped in tiny and was ready to run towards Jay's location when Jake spoke again.

"Don't tell him I was the one who told you. Okay? You're welcome."

Jungwon replied with a smile and rushed towards the Foodcourt.

— at the foodcourt —

Jay was having lovey-dovey moments with his girlfriend, Arin, while eating corn when Jungwon arrived.

"Who eats corn at school?" Jungwon disgustingly whispered. Aside from the corn, he was disgusted of how Arin clings too much to Jay.

Jungwon walked straight in front of Jay and Arin. It was evident on Jay's face that he is annoyed. He stood up and left the place not minding his girlfriend.

The younger, without a choice, followed Jay.

"Jay hyung please. Let us talk!"

Unexpectedly, Jay grabbed Jungwon's hand and led him to a uncrowded area of the university. He locked Jungwon's wrists and pinned them against the wall.

"What do you want from me?!" Jay shouted which made Jungwon pull himself farther to Jay's face.

"Ouch" Jungwon whined when he bumped his head on the wall. But aside from that, he's hurting because of how tight Jay holds his wrists. They easily became red.

Jay noticed this and he let go of Jungwon.

"I j-just want t-to help you..." Jungwon uttered.

"Do you think I need your fucking help?!"

"Can you please listen to me first and stop shouting while cursing?!" Jungwon exploded. "You don't even know how to listen! You asked what I want from you and you won't bother listening to my answer?! You're the dumb one. Not me!"

Jay was shocked at how cute Jungwon is despite being mad. His dimples added to the cuteness he already has.

"Good thing you shut up. I got the scholarship from your father. He asked me a favor to look out for you. I'm doing this not just because I owe your dad a lot. I'm doing this because I want to have a friend." Jungwon explained. "But if you don't really need my help, I'll just explain everything to your dad."

Jay was left speechless at what Jungwon said. The sparkly crystal eyes of Jungwon at that time made Jay's heart soft. This is the first time Jay felt this.

"I'm leaving. I'm sorry I disturbed you and your girlfriend. But can you please be nice to other people, especially your dad?"

Jungwon walked away leaving Jay at the dark place. Luckily, it's just the first day of school and there are no official classes yet. Jungwon looked for Sunoo immediately.

— at the student center —

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— at the student center —

Jungwon was walking with both heavy feet and a sad face after his first encounter with Jay.

"What happened? Why do you look like that?" Sunoo checked his friend all throughout. Ni-ki interrupted and immediately raised Jungwon's wrists.

"He hurt you, right?!" Ni-ki's personality suddenly changed. Jungwon and Sunoo were shocked of how serious and scary Ni-ki was.

"No, calm down. I'm fine. Let's just enjoy the rest of our first day. This should be a memorable one for us." Jungwon said while wearing a fake smile.

Ni-ki gave all his food, bungeoppang, to Jungwon.

"Yah! I asked for a bite earlier and you pretended you did not hear me and now you're giving everything to him?! I'm now your friend, too! You should be fair." Sunoo started bickering.

"He's Jungwon. You're Sunoo. That's it." Ni-ki replied.

"You can have some, hyung." Jungwon offered the older.

"No thanks. I'll buy myself."

As soon as Sunoo stood up with his drink, he bumped onto someone he always wanted to interact with... but not this way.

"Oh crap! Shi-" Sunoo was in great shock after seeing the person.

"P-Park S-Sunghoon..." Sunoo startled. "I'm so sorry please let me help you. I'll clean it for you just please don't hate me.

Sunghoon pulled Sunoo away from other students as they start catching attention. The only thing Sunoo can do is stare at how handsome Sunghoon is.

They hid somewhere and Sunoo started wiping Sunghoon's uniform with his handkerchief.

"It's just a tiny drop, you don't have to worry." Sunghoon said.

"No, it's my fault. I'm such a dummy"

"No you aren't. You're cute."

"What?!" Sunoo was shocked at why he heard but he wants to make sure he heard it right.


Sunghoon did not what to answer and was saved by Jake and Jay who found them.

"Hey Sunghoon. What are you doing there?" Jake said with a mischievous smile while raising his eyebrows at the same time.

"Let's eat at our place. My treat."

"Of course it is. The food is expensive there." Sunghoon said and left with his friends. He did not notice he did not return Sunoo's handkerchief.

Sunoo returned to his friends with a full smile on.

"First Days are the Best!"

Jungwon is still spacing out after what happened with his first interaction with Jay.

"You're so handshome but I really want to punch you in face." Jungwon thought in his mind.

— End of Chapter 3 —

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