Chapter 15

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Early morning in the university, the day after Jungwon knew everything, he decided to stay away from Heeseung. He did not also tell Sunoo about what happened because he knows his friend will fight for him especially if he's going to spill the fact that Heeseung's just using him to get revenge on Jay.

"Seriously, Jungwon-ah!" You have to take your meds again!" Sunoo bickers firstly in the morning to his friend. "I will not be always by your side! What if something worse happens?" he added.

Jungwon just giggled at his friend's facial expressions. He isn't used to Sunoo's concerned-face and thought of it as a funny thing to laugh with.

"Hyung, don't worry too much. I'm just waiting for mom's salary then we can buy my meds." Jungwon answered his friend while eating the snacks Sunoo brought him. "You know I will never be always with you, be prepared." he added.

"Yah! Don't talk like that, you silly kid!" Sunoo said and pouted. "By the way, where's your boyfriend?" he asked afterwards.

"He doesn't have one anymore." Sunghoon said as he appeared inside their room to visit Sunoo. "Why? You haven't told him yet?" Sunghoon asked Jungwon who's glaring at him right now.

Sunoo was very confused about what's happening and he shrugs himself to refresh his mind. "What are you talking about? Jungwon just gave his 'yes' to Heeseung hyung few days ago" he asked.

"Heeseung lied to me, Sunoo-ssi. He doesn't really love me." Jungwon answered and bowed his head down, his tears drop as soon as his face directs to the ground. Everything came back to his memory as the wound inside him is still bleeding.

"What do you mean?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" Sunoo then went near his friend to give him a hug and played with his hair to comfort him.

"I heard him arguing with Jay yesterday. I hear everthing. I heard all the possible words that could hurt me and they truly did. Hearing his reason why he wanted to be my boyfriend stabbed me in the heart, bestie." Jungwon cried as he explains all the details to his bestfriend.

Sunoo was outrageously mad after hearing Jungwon's confession to him. Right on time, Heeseung came to their room with a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a box of chocolates on the other.

Jungwon's two teary eyes stopped from crying and just stared at the guy who appeared. He doesn't want to see him anymore but he knows Heeseung doesn't know it yet.

"Make one more step closer to my friend or I'll replace your eyeballs with those chocolates and your poke your tongue using the thorns of the roses you are holding!" Sunoo yelled at Heeseung not minding their age difference.

"What? You are really a good joker, Sunoo. Now, let me have my Jungwon." Heeseung said and went closer to Jungwon and attempted to reach for his arm. Jungwon successfully avoided him.

"Don't go near me. I don't want you close to me." Jungwon coldly said and did not even bother looking at Heeseung.

"What do you mean? What's wrong—" Heeseung grabbed Jungwon but was stopped when he received a slap from the younger.

"I know everything already! Stop pretending." Jungwon ran away after saying these words. This is the best thing for him to do—run. Run away from the pain. Run away to find comfort.

While running, his tears won't stop falling causing his eye sight to be blurry. He can't see things clearly but he trusts his feet will bring him somewhere safe. Somewhere he can call home. Somewhere he'll be protected. Somewhere he's loved.

Suddenly, Jungwon accidentally bumped to a person which stopped him from running. Without looking the person, he started apologizing while still crying and bowing at the same time.

"You can stop crying." The person replied and offered a handkerchief to Jungwon.

Jungwon then raised his head to see who the person is and he whispered to himself. "Oh God answered my prayers this fast?"

It was Jay. His appearance made Jungwon cry further as he breaks down in front of Jay. The older grabbed Jungwon by his hand and led him closer to him for a hug.

"You're safe. I'm here." Jay said as he hugs Jungwon and touches his hair. "I won't hurt you. I promise." He added.

Jungwon gave all of him to Jay and surrendered to their hug. For once, he felt safe in Jay's arms. His tears stopped as he found comfort from Jay.

"Can we be like this forever?" Jay asked in his mind. Even if he wants to ask this directly to Jungwon, he can't because he knows this is not the right time. He wants Jungwon's heart to heal first and he'll help him for sure.

Their hug lasted long. Jungwon's already calm and moved away from Jay. "Thank you for leaving me yesterday." He said.

"What do you mean? I feel guilty I left you when you needed me the most. You're vomiting but my anger towards that guy was bigger than anything else. I'm sorry." Jay replied.

"No, don't be sorry. If you did not leave me, I won't look for you. If I did not look out for you, I won't know Heeseung's lies."

"So are you saying you're happy you found me?" Jay said and winked at the younger. His genuine big smile formed on his face again. Only Jungwon can make the boy smile like this.

"Yes, I am. But that's because I knew the truth about Heeseung." Jungwon teased as he sticked his tongue out and acted silly in front of his Jay hyung.

"But you still looked for me." Jay then raised his eyebrows repeatedly.

"Of course I will! We still have some tutoring to do that time!"

Jay gave up on arguing with Jungwon. He knows he will never win against the kid and for sure he will give what Jungwon wants. He stared at he cuteness of the younger even with his swollen eyes after crying.


"Eh? What did you call me?" Jungwon almost cracked up after hearing what Jay called him.

"Nevermind. Can I ask you something?" Jay said with a very serious face.

"Sure, what is it?"

Jay reached for Jungwon's right hand and started speaking his heart off.

"I know you've just been hurt. I know it will take some time for you to recover. But I want you to know that I'm more than willing to be with you all throughout this. I promise you I'll always be by your side and with that..."

"Hmmm?" Jungwon became curious with Jay's sudden stop.

"Can we start over again?" Jay asked. "I am asking for another chance but you don't to answer now. Just let me show how I much care for you."

Jungwon did not give any answer, he just smiled and hug his Jay hyung.

— end of chapter 15 —

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