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"Like yin and yang, truth and lies are inseparable, each containing a seed of the other. No words are ever entirely true or entirely untrue." -Chloe Thurlow.

It is psychologically proven that when an individual faces a stressing situation, a set of responses are activated. It can be seen as the biological pop-up that turns on and provides the following two options. Fight or flight.

It is up to the person to decide if they are physically and emotionally adequate to stay and stand their ground or to simply run away. Despite her small frame and small high-pitched voice, Regina Kendall had never backed out in a fight of any sort. Therefore, it was not hard and on the contrary was automatic for her brain to stand up and fight off the danger with a lie.

"I have a relationship, so I cannot go and have any sort of date." She continued on. It was obvious that she would regret it in a few minutes, once her stepmother had left her home, but she was unable to step back. Her brain was in overdrive and the only thing she could think about was saving herself. It was a primitive reaction that she knew would cost her later on.

Mrs. Kendall looked at her step-daughter with a gleam of suspicion in her eyes. However, soon enough she relaxed and smiled. "That's great!!" She finally said, once she had decided to believe the girl in front of her.

Regina smiled trying hard to show her teeth. Though the adrenaline had given its last and she was beginning to feel completely hopeless.

"Well, who is this lucky young man?"

Regina looked over at Maddison who was smiling at her. She knew what was already going on in Maddison's head. That was the smile of a person who believed that her friend had finally gotten over her fears, sadly she was wrong.

"He's in the kitchen, I'll go tell him to come." Said Maddison, looking away from Regina and facing Mrs. Kendall. She was plotting something, and Regina wanted to know what it was.

Maddison left. Meanwhile Regina looked at her mother  trying to keep the act that could fall apart at any moment.

"Let's sit then, " said Mrs. Kendall with a smile. Regina nodded. She could notice that the woman was genuinely excited about the 'boyfriend'. It broke Regina's heart to have to lie to her, but it was the only way to avoid those dreadful dates that she was certain--would end terribly.

It was a while later when Maddison came back into the room with Dylan in tow. Regina tried to avoid his gaze, mostly out of embarrassment and shame. She was still unsure about his relationship status and she had already made up an absurd story that could possibly harm him.

"This is Dylan," Maddison said.

Regina felt the spot next to her on the couch lower. She thought it was Maddison, so she looked over, but was met with Dylan. His hand was a few inches away from the sim of her dress. She looked over at her mother.

The woman wore a grin that made Regina think that perhaps she'd hurt her jaw if she continued smiling like that.

"Hello," Dylan said, his hand left the couch and flew over to greet Mrs. Kendall. His handshake was firm and decisive. His smile was charming and warm.

Mrs. Kendall beamed with happiness. She was more relaxed and her eyes kept shifting from Regina to Dylan.

Regina looked over at Maddison, wondering what sort of story Maddison had come up with in the kitchen.

"I'm Dylan Ren, I'm Regina's boyfriend." He said, completely taking Regina by surprise.

Maddison smiled satisfied with the situation, while Regina looked at her completely shocked. Her gaze fell back on Dylan who was smiling at Mrs. Kendall like a good-mannered child who wanted to look good in front of the grown up. Mrs. Kendall began to speak, but Regina no longer paid attention. Her eyes were glued on Dylan whose mouth moved and his smile never ceased.

Eventually, a question was aimed at Regina who looked dazed at Mrs. Kendall. "What do you think?" Asked Mrs. Kendall.

"What? I'm sorry, I got a bit lost in thought." She said, clearing her throat nervously. Mrs. Kendall chuckled.

"She's too cute isn't she," Mrs. Kendall said with a grin. Maddison and Dylan both nodded.

"Given that you finally have a boyfriend, I thought it would be a good idea to have you both come over and have dinner at home next week? Dylan has recently found a job, and it must be celebrated. Your father will be ecstatic about you visiting." Said the woman with a look of excitement.

Regina looked at Dylan. His eyes were still on Mrs. Kendall. However, suddenly, he looked over at Regina. It felt strange to have their eyes meet. Regina could feel the heat rise up onto her head and she quickly looked away. Her mother was still waiting for an answer.

"I think that..." She looked back at Dylan whose eyes shifted back to Mrs. Kendall.

"We should." Said Dylan with a nod. "Of course, it depends on my schedule in the hospital. I hope you don't mind."

Mrs. Kendall shook her head, "Not at all."

After some small talk, the woman finally excused herself and left. Regina glared at the monitor until she saw Mrs. Kendall get into the car and drive away. "She's gone." She said letting out a deep sigh of relief.

She looked over toward Dylan and Maddison who were standing in back of her. A silly nervous smile spread on her lips and she immediately fell on her knees.

"Please forgive me Dylan, I swear I will make it up to you!! In fact, you no longer owe me a cent. Consider this favor a debt that has been paid. I will pay you instead, but please help me!!" She begged, her hands were clasped together and her eyes were shut tight.

"It's fine." He said before turning toward the kitchen. Regina opened her eyes and both she and Maddison looked at one another confused.

"Let's go eat." Dylan said, coming back with his cellphone. He placed it in his pocket and looked over at both girls.

During lunch, all three had stirred clear from the topic, but it didn't mean that it didn't plague Regina's mind. Even though, Dylan kept talking about his future job and the excitement he felt, Regina couldn't help and think about what he had done for her. 

After lunch, Maddison went back to the office while Dylan and Regina went back home. They hadn't said a word to one another, mostly because Regina felt embarrassed and ashamed about what she had done.

On the other hand, Dylan thought about the events that had unfolded a few hours ago. He had heard everything from the doorway. However, he still let Maddison speak and explain how desperate Regina was.

"She's not the type to say such things, but she's really desperate. If you don't want to take part of this, we definitely understand and we won't get mad if you don't wish to go along with it--"

"I'll help her." He said.

Maddison looked at him completely confused. It was obvious that she wasn't expecting him to agree that fast.

"Can I ask you a question?" Regina finally asked. He didn't look at her, but still nodded. "Sure, what is it?"

Regina looked at the window, "Why did you accept to help me?" Her eyes fell back on Dylan who was staring intently at the road.


A/N: Thank you for reading! I don't have any questions for this chapter lol. However, you are still free to comment anything you'd like. 

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