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"The worst wounds, the deadliest of them, aren't the ones people see on the outside. They're the ones that make us bleed internally." - Sherrilyn Kenyon

After a few minutes of speaking to Mrs. Kendall and Mr. Kendall, Dylan and the nurse walked out.

"Our son-in-law looks so charming, doesn't he William?" Mrs. Kendall gushed. Mr. Kendall nodded. "He really is a dependable man. I am not afraid to leave my daughter to such a good natured young man. He's really going to be worthy of our Regina."

Regina smiled and blushed. Despite knowing the truth, she couldn't help but feel completely swept off her feet by Dylan's charming nature. She knew that wishing for it all to be true was childish, but at that moment her heart expanded in her chest and she felt like a million butterflies were fluttering their wings making her ticklish. A man like Dylan would always be someone you could show to your parents. It was the perfect man to marry and live the rest of your life with. To her parents, this was true, but in her heart she knew that it was but a lie. A false fairytale that she had build up for her parents sake. 

As she remembered this, her smile began to fade and a frown began to set in her face. She could only wish to ever meet a man like Dylan. His caring and dependable self was not for her after all and she knew it. 

After a while, she decided to head home. Mostly due to her father's insistent persuasion. "I'm going to sleep," he began, "please leave so that I can rest peacefully," he told them basically hinting that he wanted them to leave the room. Mrs. Kendall nodded and they both went out into the hall.

Outside, she had texted Dylan who still had her keys.

"Regina, I know I probably shouldn't say this, " Mrs. Kendall began as she sat down beside her, " but I know that your father is so happy about your relationship. His dream is that before anything gets to happen to us, that we get to see you married. His health has been suffering a lot and that's the reason why I went to see you. His greatest...no, our greatest hope is that you find someone to be with and you marry."

Regina nodded though she still wasn't sure what Mrs. Kendall was trying to imply. "What I'm trying to say is that, don't you think it would be a good idea for you to get married soon. I mean, you and Dylan must have already talked about a wedding day, right?"

Regina looked down at the floor, she couldn't tell her the truth. At least, not while her father was still so weak. Dylan's words also came to mind. She knew what his stance on all this was, but as she looked at Mrs. Kendall and remembered her father's sunken cheeks she could not disagree. 

 "Y-yes," she said.

"Wouldn't you think that it would be a good idea to have it as soon as possible, you know, for your father's sake. "

Regina didn't say a word, but she still nodded. She could feel the cold hospital air in every fiber of her body. It was cold, like ice. She knew what it meant. The lie had to continue on for her father's sake, but at the same time she knew she had done wrong. It tore her heart apart and made her feel like the worst person on the earth. 

I'm sorry Dylan, she thought as she looked at Mrs. Kendall. "I'll talk to Dylan about it, and we'll get back to you."

Mrs. Kendall nodded before she went back into the hospital room. Once, she was sure that Mrs. Kendall was not near the door, she let out a worried sigh. 

She stood up and was about to head toward the elevator when she saw him. He was standing a few meters away from her still wearing his white coat. He had heard everything, and she could tell.

He walked toward her but didn't say anything. Regina didn't know what to say. She looked at the tiny fiber that stuck out of his coat right beside the small pocket.

"I'll take you home." he said before walking in front of her and toward the elevator. They didn't say a word to each other until they got into the car. Regina felt her heart beat irregularly. They both knew that it had been the correct opportunity to say the truth to Mrs. Kendall. Perhaps, she would have provided a solution. However, it was also hard.

"Your father..." he began. He had already started the engine and light music was playing in the background. "We don't have to do it," she interrupted. "If you want to end this, we can end it." She finished.

Her eyes were looking directly at him, but he couldn't look at her. He had come to the city chasing a girl. He had told his parents that their son was running towards his happiness.

"Why can't you just be happy for me?!" He shouted at his father. The man looked at him with anger and disappointment. "Dylan, you are chasing an illusion son. Are you even sure that this dream girl of yours will accept you? What if she--"

Dylan closed his eyes trying to forget about his words, but it was hard. His father had been right. Things had not gone the way he had wanted them. He had been heartbroken and disillusioned. He wasn't even sure if he'd ever get to feel love again. No, he was ninety-nine point nine percent sure that love had ceased to exist in his life. The hope in his heart with Valentina's name written on it was burning and turning into ashes.

"I will continue to help you," he said. His words were decisive. There was nothing to lose. He could even use it in his favor. He could go back home and tell his parents that he had managed to make his dream come true. He was going to marry the girl of his dreams, even though it was a lie. His father wouldn't have the satisfaction and he'd get to leave in peace for a while, at least until the pain ceased to exist. At the same time, he'd be able to protect the health of a man who was in a delicate state.

There was a few seconds of silence before Regina looked at him again.

"Why?" She asked.

"Your father's cortisol levels were high; it seems like he's been under a lot of stress. He is still in a delicate state, and good news would do him well. Once he gets better, we can just divorce and each go our separate ways." He answered almost robotically.

"Yes, that sounds good, but why do you really want to help me?"

The Love Complex (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now