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"She wasn't bitter. She was sad, though. But it was a hopeful kind of sad. The kind of sad that just takes time" 

-The Perks of Being a Wallflower

The pair sat beside each other, as they looked over Regina's script. She had been tweaking the story every so often, but the story was even more strange than the last time Dylan had read it.

"I think...it's--"

"Terrible?" Regina finished. Dylan tried not to answer, but his eyes were giving it all away.

"I think that your initial idea was pretty good. The story had potential, but I think you are second guessing yourself too much." He said, trying to make her feel better.

Regina nodded. She had been doing her best, including going to the library to do some research, but it all seemed to be in vain.

Dylan sat in silence, trying to think of something to say. His eyes scanned the room until his eyes landed on the TV. An ad promoting Valentina's newest series came out, and he looked away annoyed, before he looked back at it. "That's it." He said, standing up and pointing to the TV.

"You should watch some works by the competition. "

Regina looked at him confused. "What-what do you mean?"

Dylan sighed, and sat back down. "I don't know if you've tried this before, but how about you watch some romance series."

Regina shook her head. She had always felt a certain type of way when it came to romance series. She could never actually sit and watch one without running out of the room in frustration. Perhaps it was the characters or the plot itself. Something about romance series just didn't sit well with her. She knew that she'd end up turning off the computer or television. She wouldn't bear it.

 She shook her head. "No," She answered.

"No, what?"

"No, I don't like romance series. They're often superficial and I don't know, something about them always seems off to me. I can't pin point exactly what it is, but I won't watch one."

Dylan knew that she wouldn't budge. He didn't understand why her sentiment was so strong, but had watched very few drama series himself, so he couldn't really refute her claim. 

They both sighed. It did not make sense to either of them why a person who seemed to loath romance series so much, would be able to write her own. Regina knew it was foolish of her to attempt such an act. Dylan though, wanted to say it out loud, but did not want to run the risk of hurting Regina's feelings.  After all, he knew that she was trying her best. 

"When you write your script, what do you think about?" He asked. 

After a few seconds of her looking at him confused. He spoke again,"Do you think about the characters first or the plot itself?"

"I always think about my characters. The right characters tend to create the correct plot. Atleast, that is the way that I see it." She answered. 

Dylan nodded. "Then think about the characters for this script? What are their motives? Is it to fall in love or to forget about love?" 

Regina knew what he was trying to do, but she couldn't fully concentrate. Her mind wondered and she thought about him. She wanted to understand his motives. Why he had decided to help her. His intentions. 

"What about you? If you were the main character in a series, what would your intentions be?" She asked. She knew that it was possibly not going to get her anywhere, but it didn't hurt to try. 

Dylan chuckled. "Depends. I would say that my main intention is to save lives and help people. However, right now, it's to help you get this script started." 

Regina nodded. It was not the answer to her question. "Mine is to never fall in love again. I think that I want to create characters that have been seeking love for so long, and have finally decided to give up." 

"Doesn't that seem a bit sad?" 

It was sad, she thought. It was their story. They had both given up on love, and had decided to get involved in a contract marriage. "I guess that it means we are a tragedy." she whispered, expecting Dylan to not hear. 

"Yes, yes we are. But it's okay, we both are fine with our decision." 

Regina chuckled dryly. His answer was sad, but she could tell that he meant it. Dylan Ren accepted his fate; there was no place in his heart for love. She felt a lump in her throat as she thought of this. At first, she was unsure about why she had felt so sad, but then the realization hit her. She shook her head; it was the last thing that she wanted to think about. 

A few days passed, and the wedding was getting closer. Dylan had been able to get some days off despite being new to the hospital. He had found it a bit strange, but didn't think much about it mostly because he was busy with the whole wedding preparations.

Jaxon had gone home, and had done him the favor of telling his parents about the wedding. He knew that they possibly weren't going to be happy about finding out through Jaxon and not Dylan himself. However, he was still angry at his father, and wanted to avoid having to talk to him.

Meanwhile, Regina was beginning to feel the heat of the situation. She had been given some time off after her publicist heard about the wedding. "This is great!!" The woman said. "I can't wait for your new romance script; honeymoons are perfect for getting you in the spirit of romance." She said, before she hung up.

Regina rolled her eyes, before slumping down on the couch. Maddison looked at her friend with pity.

"I officially hate weddings!" Regina moaned. Maddison nodded, doing her best to make her feel better by patting her back gently.

"Well, think about the good side. You have a handsome fake husband."

Regina shook her head.

"You said it, handsome FAKE husband!"

Madison tried not to chuckle. 

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