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"You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I have loved none but you" -Jane Austen

Regina always looked forward to Saturdays. It was the day she often rested and didn't even bother to turn on her laptop. It was on Saturdays, when she cleaned, cooked, baked, and gathered up ideas for the rest of the week. However, that particular Saturday, Valentina had asked to spend some sister-time. Regina had been shocked. She couldn't really remember the last time that she and Valentina even had a deep conversation about anything.

Despite their close relationship when they were growing up, there was a moment when Valentina eventually became distant. Regina tried her best to keep their relationship intact, but slowly they began to drift apart. It bothered Regina the most. She had always relied on Valentina as a support, but sometimes she even wondered if her sister had changed.

"I cannot believe it!!" Valentina shrieked as they strolled through the mall. Regina nodded a bit awkwardly.

Mrs. Kendall had always been like a middle man between them, making sure that there weren't any awkward silences, but she hadn't been able to join them.

"It's been like forever since we've been able to go out." She added with a slight shake of her head.

Regina nodded. She knew that she had to try her best, and put in a bit of effort so that there would be more opportunities for them to spend time together.

"Gi, don't you remember when you were in the University. I had just gotten my first script. I was so nervous, so you brought me to come and shop. "

Regina nodded. It was also the last time they had actually gone somewhere together. After that, she had never brought it up again. Had she not put in enough effort to spend time with her sister? They lived within a few miles from one another, and she knew that she could have gone to visit her. There was never a really good excuse for them not to see one another when they weren't busy. Regina wondered if she was the problem.

"Yeah," she muttered, trying to adjust her face mask.

"Gi," Valentina said, "I'm sorry that sometimes I was a bratty younger sister. I know that sometimes I hurt your feelings with the things I said, and I'm really sorry."

An apology from Valentina often came and went, but she knew that she was being sincere. "Tina, you're my little sister. I forgive you."

Valentina nodded.

"Actually," Regina said. Valentina, who had turned around, turned to face her once again. 

"I'm sorry as well. I haven't visited you in a few years or asked you to hang out. I haven't thought so much about our relationship and I've been neglecting it."

Valentina nodded. "I think we're both guilty. I've only recently started to go over to your place, and mostly because I was jealous of that Dylan guy," she muttered looking down at the floor. 

Regina shook her head, "Tina, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to keep you out of the loop. Most of the time, I'm so focused on my own things and I could have done better as a big sister." 

"It's fine. I was a bit angry that you kept the whole marriage scheme to yourself, but I've realized that I was also being too childish. My actions came back to bite me in the behind, and well--the whole Dylan thing~" 

Regina nodded. Valentina chuckled awkwardly. 

"Let's go to that shop over there," she said, pulling her arm and dragging her toward a jewelry store.

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