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Iris pov

"Ranboo," I said quietly, looking at him. The tall brunette looked over, still avoiding eye contact but looking in my general direction. "I'm sorry for getting mad at you earlier." At my words, he shifted his eyes to meet mine for a few moments before looking away again.

"It's okay," Ranboo said. "And... I'm sorry as well, for avoiding you."

"I forgive you," I told him.

"It's... it's just hard for me to talk to people, I have uh... anxiety," he admitted, looking ashamed.

"Don't be ashamed about it," I told him. "Er... The other day..." I trailed off, not really trusting to tell him. I didn't know why, maybe it was because it was a lot harder to trust people after Lewis.

"You don't have to tell me," he mumbled, looking back down at his hands as he hugged the plushie closer.

"Do you like England so far?" I asked, changing the subject.

"It's pretty cool, especially since most of my friends are here," Ranboo replied.

"I love living here."

"So uh... you're Tubbo's friend, right? Do you stream or anything?" he asked. I looked at him in confusion before realizing that Ranboo still didn't know that I was Tubbo's sister.

"Er... not really, he's kind of my brother," I admitted.

"Oh... didn't he say that...?" Ranboo began, but was cut off by the sound of the door opening. Both of us immediately went quiet as Tubbo walked in; I scrolled through Twitter and Ranboo hugged his plushie closer.

"Hi guys," Tubbo said, flopping onto the spot next to me. "Mum wants you, Iris." I got up and left to see what she wanted.

"Iris, your Aunt Melissa is going to be staying over for a few weeks," Mum informed me.

A/n - her aunt will not appear in the story, except when she (the aunt) is leaving

"We don't really have a guest room, though," I said.

"That's the thing... she's going to be staying in your room, since it's on the ground floor, and you know that she doesn't like going up and down the stairs."

I was about to argue but thought better of it. "So where should I sleep?" I asked.

"Er... you can sleep in the streaming room with Ranboo, there's the couch and an air mattress," she told me. I groaned internally, then nodded.

"Okay," I said, then went to my room to grab clothes and my important things. I shoved all of my stuff into a bag and returned to my new room for the next few weeks.

"What's that bag for?" Tubbo questioned.

"Looks like I'm sharing a room with him for the next few weeks," I grumbled, throwing the bag in the corner.

"I'm gonna go to bed, I'm tired," Tubbo told us.

"But it's only—" I checked the time, "oh, it's almost midnight, that's reasonable." We both said good night to Tubbo, then I got up to look for the air mattress.

"I found it," I said to myself.

I grabbed the air pump and set it up. I filled it all the way, then disconnected the pump and closed the thing on the air mattress. When I grabbed it to move it, I noticed that it started deflating slightly. I placed it down where I wanted it, then sat on it, but the mattress just kept on deflating. I let out a groan of frustration as I stood up.

"Do you need help?" Ranboo asked nervously. I looked up to see him standing a few feet away.

~ Cliff hanger lol :]

~ Have an awesome day, don't forget to drink water :]


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