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A/n - ty guys for 3k reads D: /pos

Tw: mini panic attack

Iris pov

Ranboo hugged me a bit closer, still wanting more comfort. I wrapped my arms around him, my mental warnings finally being buried under layers upon layers of concern for Ranboo.

The door creaked open, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tubbo walking over to sit on the bed.

"Dude, you did awesome!" Tubbo consoled, gently patting Ranboo's back.

"Thanks Tubbo," he mumbled in reply. Sleep seemed to hover over him; his eyes were closed and he sounded tired. "I had so much fun, honestly, I just wish I hadn't gotten killed in the last game."

"Ranboo, I'm glad you had fun," Tubbo said. He looked proud that his best friend had gotten into mcc. His best friend. I'm entangled in his best friend's arms. Is this wrong? Tubbo honestly didn't seem to care; or at least, he didn't show it.

The tall brunette pulled his face away from my shoulder and let his head rest on the mattress. His eyes fluttered open, and I noticed they were watering. Not because he was about to cry, which he wasn't, but because he was tired. Without realizing it, I had started to study his face again. But this time, he was studying mine as well.

Within a few minutes, both Ranboo and I had drifted to sleep.

~ time skip ~

Tw start

When I woke up, it was still dark outside. Ranboo's face was buried in my shoulder, his arms tightly wrapped around me. What the hell am I doing? Panic spiraled through me as I tried to escape the tall brunette's grip.

"Are you okay?" The concern could be heard in Ranboo's voice when he spoke. He lifted his head to look at me. "Your breathing's off," he pointed out. It was then that I realized I was breathing heavily.

I let out a shaky breath in response before rather harshly pulling away from him. "I-I'm sorry, I just-" I began to speak, but he cut me off.

"Don't be sorry, I'm the one who should be apologizing. I forgot that you aren't ready to fully  trust me, I was being selfish. I'm sorry." His voice was gentle, and I could tell he meant the apology. I smiled in response, then adjusted myself in a more comfortable position.

Now that Ranboo and I were a few feet apart, I felt safe enough to fall back asleep. "Good night, Iris," I heard him whisper.

"Good night."

Tw end

~ time skip ~

I was the first to wake up. Ranboo was still sleeping, so I decided to go find Lani. I went to her room first, and when I opened the door, she yelled, "I'm streaming!" Quickly, I shut the door, realizing that she did face cam streams.

Then I went to find Tubbo. He was sitting in the streaming room, scrolling through Tiktok. "Hey Tubbo," I said, yawning, as I sat down next to him.

"Hi. Where's Ranboo?" he asked, looking up from his phone.


"Of course he is."

I turned on the tv and decided to watch iCarly until Ranboo woke up.

~ time skip ~

Halfway through the first episode that I watched, Ranboo woke up and joined us in the streaming room. He sat down next to me and we watched iCarly until Tubbo made me get some breakfast.

"Look, it doesn't have to be a lot, I just want you to get in the habit of eating breakfast," he told me. I sighed before agreeing and going into the kitchen. I came back with a muffin, and resumed watching iCarly.

~ I love you guys :]


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