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Because it's National Ranboo Day, here you go.

I need to stop spoiling you guys.

Tw: panic attack

Iris pov

~ time skip to two weeks later ~

Ranboo and I were sitting on my bed, looking at our phones in silence, when I decided to tell him. It was dark outside, and the only lighting came from our phone screens.

"Hey Ranboo?" He looked up in response. "I think I might be fine now. You know, trusting you more and stuff," I told him. It was true; I did feel ready to trust him again, because the Lewis incident was over two weeks in the past and I had been distracted from it. Plus, Ranboo was a really respectful guy, and it was hard not to trust him.

I saw a wide grin spread across Ranboo's face at my words. "You are?" He seemed proud and excited at the same time.

"Yeah, I am." I felt more confident as I spoke.

"So are you fine if I hug you?" Ranboo asked. As soon as I nodded, the tall brunette nearly tackled me in a hug. I smiled, feeling comfortable enough to hug him back. Ranboo looked happier than ever, finally being able to properly hug one of his best friends again.

"Thank you for being so understanding," I told him, grateful that I had met him.

He stayed silent, and when I heard a small sniffle, I broke away to look at him.

"Are you alright?" I asked. A tear slipped down his face as he sniffled again

"Y-yeah, I'm just really happy that I can hug you again," he told me, wrapping his arms around me again. I smiled, allowing myself to be swept into another embrace.

I wanted to stay like this forever, with our arms wrapped around each other in the perfect embrace. Pure bliss traveled through my veins as I pressed myself closer to him. Neither of us wanted to talk, as if worried we would ruin the moment. Time seemed to stop as we sat there, held in each other's arms, both excited that we could hug each other again. It was as if we had reunited after years of being apart from each other. His arms tightened around me a little more, as if when he let go I would disappear. I let my head rest against his chest as a tear of happiness fell from my eye.

Ranboo pov

"I'm so proud of you," I whispered after we broke apart. "And I'm so happy that you're ready to trust me again. And I-" I cut myself off, realizing that I almost accidentally confessed to her. "I'm just so proud of you."

A smile spread across her face. The first real smile I had seen her wear in the last few weeks. A warm feeling of happiness spread through me as I realized I made her smile.

"I'm kinda tired," she mentioned, laying back to rest her head on her pillow. "But I also don't wanna go to sleep."

"I think you should get some rest, but it's up to you," I told her.

"I think-" she cut herself off with a yawn, "I think I'll go to sleep."

"Alright, good night Iris."

"Good night Ranboo."

I grabbed my phone before leaving the room, making sure to shut the door behind me. Once I flopped down on the couch in the streaming room, I felt too tired to adjust myself in a more comfortable position, and I allowed sleep to cover me like a blanket.

~ time skip ~

Iris pov

Tw start

I woke up to the sound of thunder, accompanied by a flash of lightning. As I watched the raging storm outside, the memories of last night crowded my mind. It felt like we hugged for the first time in months. A smile spread across my face as I remembered the excited look on his face when I said I was ready to hug him again.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, and I rolled out of bed to answer it.

"Tubbo? What d'you want?" I asked groggily.

"I can't find Lani," he told me, his eyes wide with panic.

"I- what do you mean?" I asked, quickly getting out of bed to stand next to him.

"Her phone's still here, Mum and Dad haven't seen her, and I checked our yard but couldn't find her. I didn't see any notes or anything, and-" Tubbo cut himself off with a shaky breath, attempting to calm himself down, "and her friends haven't seen her either." Fear spiked through me as I tried to wrap my head around everything he said

"And Ranboo hasn't seen her?" I asked, trying my best to stay composed.

Tubbo stayed silent for a moment, lost in thought, before answering, "Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him either."

My heart stopped at his words. Ranboo's missing? Tubbo kept rambling about possibilities of what might've happened, but I couldn't hear a word he said. My own pessimistic thoughts chased each other through my mind as a painful type of fear scorched through me. The fear of losing the person you care about most. The person who helped you when you needed them most. The person you couldn't live without.

Part of me felt extremely guilty that I hadn't reacted this way when I heard about my own sister being missing, but I pushed that thought away.

Tubbo's panicked yelling snapped me back to reality. "Iris, can you hear me?"

Somehow, I was now sitting on the floor, tears streaming down my face as ragged breaths escaped my slightly parted lips. Tubbo was kneeled on the ground next to me, panic and concern gleaming in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" he asked, seeing that my eyes had focused on him.

I shook my head in response, trying to steady my breathing.

"I don't know what to do," Tubbo whispered, scared. Tears spilled from his eyes as he looked at me. "I don't know how to help you." He closed his eyes for a moment, presumably trying to remember what he did last time I had a panic attack.

"Alright, try to copy my breathing," he told me, his voice shaky. I followed his actions as he took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. After about a minute, my breathing was back to normal.

"We should go look for them," I mumbled, shakily standing up.

Tubbo stood up as well, and we took a moment to calm down before heading to the front door. I slipped on my shoes, following Tubbo outside.

"Where should we check first?" I asked as I strode after Tubbo down the road.

"Uh... Mum and Dad are going by all of Lani's friends' houses, and they've already checked the park," he listed.

"Have you tried calling Ranboo?" I asked.

Tubbo hesitated before replying, "I didn't even think of that."

Quickly pulling out my phone, I pressed Ranboo's contact and called him.

Please answer, please, please, I pleaded, listening in anticipation as it kept ringing. The voicemail played. I tried again, and again, and again, my heart sinking each time I heard his voicemail.

Tubbo, noticing my distress, gently pulled the phone out of my hand. "He's not gonna answer," he whispered, a tear falling as he watched me cry.

Where is he?

Tw end

~ love you guys, have a good day :]


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