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Tw: self blaming

Iris pov

When I woke up, my hand was holding Ranboo's. Ranboo was awake, sitting on the edge of my bed and scrolling through Twitter. "Good afternoon," he said, smiling when he realized I was awake. "Hey, today's my first mcc!" Ranboo sounded very excited about being in mcc, and I smiled.

"Dude I'm so proud of you," I mumbled, still tired. Ranboo looked like he was about to cry from excitement. "You deserve it."

"Thank you." Even if I couldn't see his wide, excited smile, it was audible in his tone.

"We should probably eat," he pointed out.

I nodded, sitting up slowly. I hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not I was ready to hug him again, then got off the bed and headed to the kitchen, Ranboo following a few feet behind.

We got ourselves lunch and ate together in silence, then I watched as Ranboo and Tubbo set up their streams.

Tubbo streamed first, and Ranboo left to change into his mcc outfit before starting his stream as well.

"Good luck," I said to Ranboo, smiling, as he mentally prepared himself. The starting soon screen was up, and his mic was still off.

"Thanks Iris," he replied, and I could tell he was getting nervous.

"Hey, look at me. You'll do great," I assured him, giving an encouraging smile.

Ranboo gently grabbed my hand for reassurance, then when he let go he said, "I gotta start the stream now." Nodding in acknowledgment, I slipped by the background wall that Ranboo was using and sank down on the couch.

"Hi chat, how's it goin'?" I smiled as Ranboo greeted his stream. He began to speak to his stream, and after a minute he turned his face cam on.


"Ah! Look who it is!" Tubbo yelled.



The two went back and forth yelling, and I giggled quietly.

~ time skip to about four hours of screaming later ~

Tw start

"If only I hadn't died, then we could've made it to the final two," Ranboo said to his chat. I frowned at his words; he sounded upset that he messed up, causing the team to get third place rather than top two.

A few minutes later, he ended the stream. I slipped around the background wall and saw him sitting in his seat, his face covering still on. He looked upset, so, going against my mental warnings to not trust him, I wrapped my arms around him in a comforting hug.

"You did so good!" I whispered as he hugged me back. I had watched his stream on my phone with the volume off, seeing as I was in the same room.

"I made them lose." My heart dropped when I heard his voice break.

"Hey, no, don't say that dude, you did so good! The team still got to third place, and that's in the top three!" I tried to keep my voice quiet, seeing as Tubbo was still streaming.

"Can we go in the other room," he asked quietly. "You know, so we can talk in a normal tone." I nodded, then we both headed towards the kitchen. Lani was sat at the table, and upon seeing her, we changed direction and went to the living room. My mum was sitting on the couch, watching the television, and when we walked in she looked up.

"I love your suit," she complimented.

"Thanks," Ranboo mumbled. I could tell he wanted to leave, so I pretended to look for my phone.

"Mum, have you seen my phone? I can't find it."

"Didn't you have it in the streaming room?" she replied, turning her attention back to the tv.

"Oh, I'll check there, thanks," I said, grabbing Ranboo's hand again and pulling him after me. Walking straight past the streaming room, we went into my room. Ranboo collapsed onto my bed, pulling his mask and glasses off and tossing them carelessly to the side.

"Are you alright?" I asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed. That was a stupid question. Seeming to have forgotten self control for a moment, Ranboo wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down so that I was laying next to him. I pushed my rising panic away and focused on calming him down.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," Ranboo mumbled after a few moments, realizing his mistake.

"It's fine," I said. He hesitantly hugged me closer, and I just let him.

"If I hadn't died, we could've won. Maybe I shouldn't have been in mcc. Scott was probably smart in having me stay out of it; he shouldn't have given in. I just dragged the whole team down, and-" Ranboo cut himself off. "I am so sorry for ranting."

"Don't be sorry for the rant, it's fine. Friends are supposed to help each other, aren't they? And Ranboo, you did so well in your first mcc. Honestly? I don't think anyone on the team would ever get mad at you for dying because you got killed. As long as you didn't do anything to make them lose on purpose, they have nothing to be mad at you for." Ranboo smiled weakly at my words, then buried his face in my shoulder. He wasn't crying, he just felt very guilty.

We lay on my bed, Ranboo cuddled up to me, for quite a while. Ranboo felt the need to be as close to me as possible to find comfort, so I let him. Even though I still felt uncomfortable, I put my fear aside to help Ranboo.

Tw end

~ I'm sorry if this chapter was kinda cringy, I was tired when I wrote this

~ you are all so amazing and I love you guys :]

~ *heres a free virtual hug if you need one*


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