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I forgot that it was Wednesday lmao, here you go

Iris pov

I woke up the next morning, and upon feeling Ranboo's arms wrapped tightly around me, I smiled and buried myself further into his loose embrace. Feeling comforted, the events of yesterday and the night before completely left my mind.

But after a few minutes, the cloud of sleepiness that filled my mind had started to dissolve. Then all the bad events over the last few weeks came back all at once.

I had led Ranboo on, then, trying to fix things, I kissed him. But Ranboo had taken it the wrong way, so he pushed me away. Then I locked myself in my room for a week. Since I had barely been drinking water during that week, I fainted from dehydration. If I hadn't fainted, then it probably would've been a lot longer until I saw Ranboo again. Then I overheard my parents fighting. And next morning I found out my dad left.

He left.

With that realization, a tear rolled down my face. I untangled myself from Ranboo's loose embrace and crawled out of his lap, standing up once I did. Stumbling slightly, I headed to my door and opened it, holding the frame for a moment before continuing to the kitchen. I grabbed myself a glass of water and drank most of it, remembering when I had fainted from dehydration not too long ago.

Then I climbed the stairs and knocked on Tubbo's door. It immediately opened and Tubbo pulled me into a tight hug, letting out a small sob. "Why did he hafta leave, Iris?" my brother cried. I hugged him back, tears beginning to slip down my face.

"I don't know," I sniffed.

The two of us hugged for another moment before Tubbo broke away and flopped down on his bed. I sat down on the floor, leaning against his bed, as I let more tears fall. I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my face in them, letting myself cry.

~ time skip to lunch time ~

Third person pov

"Iris, can you try to eat something please?" Ranboo pleaded. Iris was still sitting on the floor, and Ranboo was now sitting next to her, trying to persuade his friend to eat.

"I'm not hungry," Iris replied, turning away from him.

"I know you aren't hungry, but you need to eat something. I don't care how much you eat, it could even be a few bites of a sandwich. Just please eat something for me," Ranboo said. When his friend continued to ignore him, a tear slipped down his face. He hated seeing his friend in this state, and it hurt even more when she pushed him away while in this state.

"Fine, but please try to eat something later," Ranboo said, giving up. Instead of leaving the room, however, he stayed next to Iris.

The shorter girl eventually turned back around and let her head rest on Ranboo's shoulder, clearly getting tired. Ranboo looked at his friend with a sad look in his eyes as he realized how hard this must be for her. A pit of guilt sat in his stomach, as if he could've prevented all of this.

"I'm sorry," Ranboo whispered as Iris let her eyes flutter shut. "I'm so sorry." But he didn't know what he was apologizing for. None of this was his fault. Yet he still felt the need to apologize.

"You didn't do anything wrong, boss man," Tubbo mumbled from his bed, rolling over to look down at the two teens on the floor.

"I know, I just feel horrible," Ranboo told his friend. "I feel like I did something to cause this, even though I know I didn't. There's like this weird feeling in my stomach, and I hate it."

Tubbo frowned at his words and rolled back over to face the wall again, eventually letting himself drift off to sleep. Ranboo glanced down at Iris, making sure she was still asleep, before letting his eyes flutter shut.

~ time skip ~

Ranboo woke up an hour later and sat there for a few moments, letting himself wake up. After a few minutes, Iris began to stir. She removed her head from Ranboo's shoulder as she sleepily looked around.

"Good afternoon, my beloved," Ranboo mumbled to his friend, a small smile growing on his face.

"Stop flirting with my sister," Tubbo huffed from his bed, acting annoyed.

"It's already afternoon?" Iris asked, ignoring her brother.

"Yeah. Well at least I think it is," Ranboo responded, also ignoring Tubbo.

"Why the hell are you two even in my room anyway? Go back in your room," Tubbo grumbled, shoving his head under his pillow.

Iris pulled out her phone and checked the time. "Eleven twenty-seven am," she read. "I mean it's almost the afternoon."

"How'd you sleep during that hour of rest that you got?" Ranboo asked.

"Eh, I guess I slept fine," Iris responded.

"Can you two just shut the fuck up?" Tubbo groaned, throwing his pillow at his sister. "Wait, I need that, give it back." Iris flung the pillow back at Tubbo, who gratefully caught it. "Thanks, now get out please, I'm tired."

In response, Ranboo stood up and extended his hand out to Iris, who accepted it. Iris quickly  leaned against Ranboo as her vision went dark for a moment before steadying herself and leading the way out of the room.

Ranboo looked back at Tubbo to apologize for bothering him, but the shorter boy was already fast asleep.

~ This took two weeks to write (I've been busy with homework) I hope y'all enjoy it

~ Hope you guys have a great day, also thank you for all the support on this book :D


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