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Tw: facial dysmorphia, anxiety attack

Ranboo pov

"Hey Ranboo?" Iris said, looking up to make eye contact with me.

"What's up?"

"Um... I just wanna make this clear, when I said 'I love you', I meant like I care about you a lot. I meant it as- I meant I love you as a friend," she explained.

Tw start

Her words reached my ears like a thousand knives, and I felt a sharp pang in my heart. Trying not to visibly react, I replied, "I know." I need to stop lying to my friends. Her lips continued moving but nothing that she said seemed to reach my ears. 'I love you as a friend.' I'm not good enough for her. I stood up slowly, mumbling a quick, "I'll be right back," before leaving her room and locking myself in the bathroom.

Taking a deep breath, I looked up at the mirror, and my reflection stared back at me. I look disgusting. I studied it for a while, depressing thoughts mingling in my head. I'm not good enough, I thought again, watching as tears slipped down my face. She deserves better. She'd be better off with a good-looking guy that'll treat her right. Maybe she'd like me more if she didn't have to look at my face. My thoughts became unbearable to the point where I felt unable to stand properly, so I lowered myself to sit on the floor with my back against the counter.

Iris pov

Ranboo had left the room a while ago, maybe half an hour, and I was getting worried so I decided to go find him. I left my room and saw that the bathroom door was closed. As I neared it, small sobs could be heard, and I immediately recognized them as Ranboo's.

"Are you alright?" I asked through the door.

"Please leave me alone," he responded, his voice muffled.

I sighed; knowing Ranboo, he always acted stubborn when he needed help the most. My heart ached for him, knowing that I was the cause of this. Guilt flooded through me. I wished I could help him, but he was clearly hurt by what I had said.

Unsure of what to do, I sat down next to the door, resting my head against the wall. Useless ideas ran through my mind as I attempted to come up with a way to help him.

I sat there for about ten minutes until Tubbo walked by, interrupting me from my thoughts. "Are you alright?" he asked, noticing me.

"I guess, but Ranboo definitely isn't," I replied, glancing at the locked door beside me.

Tw end

Tubbo sat down next to me, waiting for an explanation. "It's a long story," I told him, not really wanting to explain right now.

"I've got time," Tubbo insisted. I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to answer but was interrupted by the lock on the door clicking, signifying that it had been unlocked. I jumped to my feet as the door slowly swung open and wrapped my arms tightly around Ranboo. "I'll let you two be," Tubbo said, standing up and presumably going to the streaming room.

Once Tubbo was gone, I began to apologize to the tall brunette, whose face was flooded with tears. "I'm so sorry Ranboo, I didn't mean to hurt you, I am so very sorry," I rambled, but Ranboo gently pushed me away.

"It's fine," he told me, but I could tell my apology didn't help. The tall boy walked past me, presumably heading towards the front door. I wanted to go after him, but Mum called me to the sitting room before I could reach the main hallway.

"Can you take out the trash please?" she asked when I reached the doorway to the sitting room.

I mentally groaned as I wheeled around to head to the kitchen, quickly doing as she asked. Why couldn't she have asked Tubbo? Ranboo needs me right now, of course she has to ask me now.

After taking out the trash, I ran down the street, ignoring the fact that I forgot my phone. Knowing Ranboo, he most likely would've gone to the park, which seemed to be his comfort place. I got weird looks from people walking by, seeing as I was running down the street at nearly midnight. One person opened their mouth, presumably to ask why I was running, and I flipped them off before they could speak. I wasn't really in the mood to stop and chat right now.

I reached the park after what felt like forever. Not even bothering to look around, I ran straight towards the small hill where Ranboo often was. As I guessed, the tall boy was found sitting at the base of a tree, his knees held up to his chest and his head buried in his knees. I slowly walked up to Ranboo, kneeling beside him. 

"Ranboo?" I said in a quiet voice.

"Go away, I don't want you to have to see me like this," he mumbled.

"Ranboo, look at me please," I pleaded, but he ignored me. "Can you please forgive me?"

"I already did," he answered, but I could tell he hadn't forgiven me yet.

I mentally sighed at his stubbornness. Ideas flickered through my mind, and I deemed most of them useless. Until I settled on a certain idea, one that I figured would get him to listen to me.

~ I was watching Ranboo's 11 month celebration stream while writing this lmao

~Take care of yourselves :]

~ Wishing Techno a smooth and speedy recovery <3


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