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Tw: disassociation (I think, please let me know if I'm wrong)

Iris pov

I woke up a few hours later, and for some reason a strange feeling of dread filled me. Looking over, I saw Ranboo curled up in his blanket, and for a moment I almost forgot the events from last night.

Then I realized how quiet the house was. Remembering last night, I flinched. Trying to avoid another panic attack, I got up and began to pace, counting down from 100 to distract myself.

When Ranboo woke up, he rolled over and saw that I was pacing. The tall boy waited a moment, rubbing his eyes, before standing up and walking over to me.

He gently put his hand on my shoulder, causing me to stop walking and turn to look at him. "Iris, you don't even know what's happened yet. I think it'd be best if we looked around first." I nodded in agreement.

I nervously left the room, Ranboo behind me, and headed to my parents' room. Ranboo stood at the doorway as I looked around the room. Going through a few drawers, I realized that none of my father's clothes were here.

I walked back over to Ranboo, my shoulders slumped forward in defeat. The tall boy had a pained expression on his face as he watched me push past him and head to my room.

Sitting down on my bed, I saw that my phone lit up and looked at it.


New message


I quickly clicked on the notification.



Hey sweetie, I'm sorry I didn't have time to say it in person, but I love you. I moved out last night because things haven't been working out between me and your mom. I love you so much, and I wish you could visit but I'm afraid I live too far now.


Tw start

After reading the message over a few times, I let my phone fall to the floor as tears spilled down my face. Ranboo immediately rushed over to my side and sat down beside me.

I knew he was talking to me, but his voice seemed so far away. I knew he had pulled me closer to him, his arms wrapped around me as he let me cry into his chest, but I couldn't feel anything.

It felt as though I were in a horrible dream, and everything around me was far away. It was almost like I could step out of my body at any second and watch myself cry.

Third person pov

Upon seeing Iris break down into tears, Ranboo sat down cross-legged on her bed and pulled his beloved friend close to him, holding her tightly as she cried against his chest. A pained expression was visible on his face as he listened to her sobs. The tall boy fought back tears, pulling the weeping girl as close to him as he could. Eventually he couldn't hold his tears back any longer, allowing them to flood his face. Ranboo held Iris tightly as they both cried.

Maybe half an hour has passed before Iris had used up all of her tears. She felt somewhat back to normal; she could hear better, she could feel Ranboo's arms tightly wrapped around her.

Iris didn't want to leave the comfort of her best friend's arms, not even when she heard her phone go off again. It's probably something bad, she thought.

~ time skip to an hour later bc I said so ~

Iris had fallen asleep in Ranboo's arms; the tall boy had also fallen asleep. Both were exhausted from crying.

The door slowly opened and Tubbo peeked his head in, tears clinging to his face. Iris' eyes flew open when she heard the creak of the door, and she quickly sat up. Ranboo woke up from the sudden movement and sleepily looked blankly at the wall for a moment before turning to see who was at the door.

Iris scrambled out of Ranboo's arms and ran over to her brother, wrapping her arms around him tightly as more tears trickled down her face.

Ranboo moved so that his legs were dangling over the edge of the bed and he stared at the ground as his two friends hugged each other, tears running down their faces.

~ time skip bc I'm #lazy 🤪😍 ~

Iris lay on her bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. Ranboo sat on the floor, leaning against the end of his friend's bed, his knees pulled into his chest. It may not have been his father that was leaving, and he might not even have known Iris' father well, but it still hurt.

Now, as Ranboo sat on the floor with his head between his knees, he felt like crying. He could hear Iris' shaky breaths, and as he listened to her struggling to calm down, he could feel tears trickling down his face.

After a while, Iris shakily stood up and walked over to her desk at the other side of the room. She took a sip from her half empty glass of water and headed back over, but instead of sitting on her bed she knelt down beside Ranboo, wanting comfort.

The tall boy opened his arms and let Iris climb into his lap. Once she was comfortable, he wrapped his arms around her and held her against him. Iris buried her face in the crook of Ranboo's neck as she closed her eyes, hoping that she would be able to fall asleep.

Ranboo smiled sadly as he watched his friend try her hardest to fall asleep. The smaller brunette was still shaking, not as much as before but Ranboo could feel her slightly trembling in his arms as she remembered last night. He rested his head on Iris' shoulder as she curled up against him.

When Ranboo heard Iris' gentle snores about ten minutes later, he smiled, glad that she finally fell asleep. He turned his head a bit to see her face, and pressed a very soft and gentle kiss on her forehead. "Sleep well, Iris," Ranboo whispered, resting his head on her shoulder again as he too began to drift off to sleep.

~ love you guys


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