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Tw: kidnapping+slight fighting+getting shanked

Ranboo pov

Tw start

Fear pulsed through me as I moved along the road, sticking to the sidewalk. I didn't know where they were going to bring her, so I made sure I could see them at all times.

A muffled sob came from Lani as the person forced her to turn and walk into the woods. I sped up a bit, praying that I wouldn't lose sight of her.

Once I was in the woods, I was able to get a lot closer without being seen. Walking a few steps behind, I stayed behind trees so as not to be seen.

"Listen here missy, we're going to meet up with the others at the park, you better behave," the woman told Lani in a threatening voice.

There're more people? I guess now would be the time to try to get her, huh?

I walked over, now standing behind them. "Let go of her," I demanded, my threatening tone masking my anxiety.

"Why should I do that?" the woman asked, whirling around to face me.

Having no time to think, I kicked her shin, causing her grip to loosen on Lani's wrist. Quickly, I pulled Lani away from her, letting the young girl stand next to me. The woman lunged at us, pulling out a piece of broken glass from her pocket as she did so. I swiftly stepped in front of Lani, willing to risk my life to protect her.

The broken glass sliced my arm, but I didn't feel anything at the moment. I attempted to shove the woman away, but she slashed at my arm again. I kicked at her; this time I successfully was able to get her away from us.

"Fuck off," I growled, and the woman simply shot me a glare as I protectively wrapped my arm around Lani and walked away.

Once we reached the road, I stopped and looked at the younger girl. "Are you alright?" I asked, feeling extremely bad for her.

Tears streamed down her face, and she hugged me tightly, too traumatized to answer. I wanted to comfort her, but I heard footsteps nearing us so I decided now wasn't the time. "Lani, we should go," I whispered, and we started heading back towards the house. We had quite a walk ahead of us, seeing as the woman had brought Lani quite far from the house. Ignoring my wounded arm, I safely escorted Lani back to the house.

Tw end

Iris pov

Tubbo had helped me calm down a bit, and we were now heading to the park to check for Lani and Ranboo.

"I'm sure they're okay," Tubbo said, though he sounded as if he were trying to convince himself more than me. I smiled weakly in response. We reached the park that Ranboo and I usually go to and began our search.

"Hey Iris?" Tubbo asked, and I turned to face him. "Why do you care about Ranboo so much?" I opened my mouth to answer, but nothing came out. Why do I care about him so much?

"I don't really know," I admitted, to which Tubbo responded, "But you've got to know. I mean, look at the way you reacted when you found out he was missing, versus the way you reacted when you found out our own sister was missing."

"Tubbo, I'm not really in the mood to put together a decent paragraph on why I care about someone. If you haven't noticed, we're kind of looking for missing people," I snapped, annoyed that he kept questioning me.

"Alright, I'm sorry, I was just curious," he apologized, going back to searching.

I turned away from Tubbo, heading towards the place where Ranboo was last time. Climbing the small slope, I looked around for the tall brunette, but didn't see any signs of him.

"Ranboo?" I called out, my voice breaking as I held back another wave of tears. "Pl-please answer if you hear me, I'm really close to having an-another panic attack," I added, sobbing now.

I waited in a depressing silence, doubting that I would get a response. I longed to find Ranboo, to be in his arms again, to talk to him again. Good things never last. As I waited a little longer for any signs of him, tears began to slip down my face, retracing the paths that my previous tears had formed.

"Ranboo?" I called again. My last desperate call for him echoed in my mind as I took a few steps, urging myself to walk forward, until my legs gave out, causing me to fall to my knees in tears. I tried to call out for him again but only a broken sob escaped my lips.

A few minutes that felt like centuries passed before I heard footsteps approaching me. I looked up eagerly, hoping it was Ranboo.

Never in my life had I been this upset to see my brother. I lowered my head to look at the ground, letting myself slouch.

Tubbo pov

I frowned; I had never seen Iris this upset. She looked like a broken mess; clearly the girl was upset about Ranboo being missing. I wanted to comfort her, but I knew she needed space.

I opened his mouth to say that we should check somewhere else, but was interrupted by my phone ringing. I walked a good distance from Iris before answering.

"Tubbo, we found her!" Mum shouted excitedly through the phone.

"You did?!" I asked excitedly, trying my best to keep my voice down.

"Yeah, and Ranboo was with her," she informed me.

"Okay, we'll head home now," I told her before hanging up.

Iris pov

Tubbo walked over to me, then said, "We should probably go home." Before I could protest, he added, "Trust me, you'd rather be there than here."

But Ranboo won't be there.

Giving in, I got up and followed Tubbo to the entrance of the park. The twenty minute walk felt longer than usual, even though we took the same route as we always did. After what felt like forever, we arrived home. I didn't want to go in, but at the same time it felt like the right thing to do. So I swung open the front door, Tubbo a few steps behind me.

~ Hope you guys have a good day, ily all :]


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