C2: Custody

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"Master Ian, Master Chenyi has arrived." the butler said when Ian opened the door after putting his son to bed.

Ian blinked for a moment before realizing that Chenyi was probably the father. I mean, if you think of it logically... when someone is a mother, there has to be a father somewhere right? Blood or not, there would be.

With this in mind, he cautiously went to greet the man.

After asking a maid, he went on his way to Chenyi's office and stood by the door. He took a deep breath before knocking. Hearing a 'come in', he turned the knob and stepped inside.


With that he looked up to the man with Chinese looks. Black hair gelled to perfection and dark brown eyes so deep that it just didn't seem to end and pale unblemished skin. He was about 6'5... he was tall... really tall... well, compared to him that is.

"I want a divorce."

Wow... straight to the point.

But he understood where this was coming from... from what he knows from the maids and Wenduo, the real Ian was an outright ass to the two of them.

They were put in an arranged marriage, cliché enough. And Chenyi's company needed an heir, that's where he came in... A ger seen as sophisticated, rich, and of high status. Sadly though, after Wenduo was born he never even glanced at his husband and son. Poor Wenduo grew up without his mother's love for his first few years. Taking this into account, it was only logical that Chenyi would want a divorce. After all, he already has everything he could get from that blasted arranged marriage.

"I understand." was all Ian could say.

"Sign these documents..." a file was slid towards his end of the table.

He flipped it open while holding the pen and gave it a slight-over. Then he froze.

*All custody of Cheng Wenduo goes to Cheng Chenyi...*

(A/N: I don't actually know how this works, so let's just pretend that this was right, 'kay?)


Chenyi raises an eyebrow, "Got a problem?"

"Yes! What do you mean all custody of Wenduo goes to you?!?"

"He's my son. He's my heir. So I get custody over him."

"No! You can't take my baby away from me!!!"

"You don't have the right to say that when you don't even care for my son!"

"Daddy! Stop bullying Mommy!!!"

The two parents turn abruptly at the sudden third party by the door which was swung open with a bang.

"Baby! I'm sorry, did all the yelling wake you up?" Ian said as he took the still tired baby into his arms.

"It's okay! I needed to protect Mommy so it was worth it!" Little Wenduo said making a brave face.

Ian smiled softly and nuzzled his nose to his son. He calmly rubbed the baby's head and back, then the little one slowly drifted back to sleep at the crook of his neck.

His smile faded as he remembered the other man and turned to him with a frown.

"Please... I love him... He's my baby... You can take everything else... Get a divorce, don't give me anything, take all the properties... just..." he sighed softly looking back at his son, "Just let me see him... I can't bear being apart from Wenduo..."

The stunned man turned confused, he's sure the love and concern he sees now isn't fake. So why did he neglect their son all those years ago? What in the world happened while he was away?

This Author wants to say something:

CCY (Cheng Chenyi): I want a divorce!

CWD: Nuuuu—

Editors note: Hello again! Hope you all enjoyed! I hope this isn't late cause my mind is a complete mess right now but just know a new chapter comes out every Saturday! Also, join our discord! It should be in our bio! Pls check it out if you can. 

Copyright © 2021 Lille Ally Sato

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