C6: Visit

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Ian stood in front of the tall building of the Cheng business and slightly gulped.

He had just finished sending Wenduo to school and thought about visiting his husband to send some lunch. He's never really done anything like that before, both bringing food for someone and cooking for someone else. But he always thought that the only time he would be cooking for someone who wasn't him would be for his family.

He took a deep breath before stepping in as the door automatically opened.

He glances around at the expanse of people bustling about before his eyes settle on the front desk.

He strides up to it before clearing his throat a little bit awkwardly to get the woman on the phone's attention.

She faces him, "One moment." she says to the phone and puts it on hold before glancing at him again, "Yes?".

"Oh, umm. Is Mr. Cheng in his office? I came to deliver something for him..." he said a bit shyly.

She nods, "Alright Sir, I'd have to ask for your name before seeing if you have an appointment."

"I uh, don't have an appointment. My name is Ian Cheng, please tell him that." he said as his grip on the lunchbox tightened.

She grabs another telephone after glancing at him curiously, "Sir Cheng, there is a man named Ian Cheng without an appointment who says he has something to deliver to you."

"Let him up, make sure to always let him up next time. He's always welcome."

Her eyebrows raised in surprise at the somewhat fond tone of her normally serious and indifferent boss.

This ger must really be something amazing, it made her grin at the thought of her boss (a person she greatly admired together, same with her girlfriend) finally changing for the better.

"You can go up Mr. Cheng." she said, flashing him a grin.

This made Ian smile as well, illuminating his facial features and made him seem more angelic than he already was with his blond hair and bright eyes.

She basically cried anime tears in her head. So pretty!

Ian didn't notice her inner turmoil however and hurried off to the elevator.

He pushed the button for Chenyi's office.

He waited patiently for the other employees to settle in before the elevator closed.

"The button for the Boss' office is on."

"Who pushed it?"

"I thought only the Boss' secretary is allowed to go there?"

"I don't know."

Ian slowly backed up to the corner trying to be as unnoticeable as possible.

A few still noticed him however and started whispering to each other.

"Who's he?"

"I've never seen him in the company before."

"Me neither."

"Do you think he's the one going to the Boss' office?"

"He probably is. I wonder who he is."

Ian ducked his head once he heard the murmured whispers. He blushed awkwardly until everyone had gotten off on their floors and he was the only one left.

He breathed a sigh of relief when the elevator finally opened to Chenyi's office.

He walked through the silent hallway towards the gigantic doors he knew would lead to his husband's office.

He knocked cautiously when a voice swiftly rang out, "Come in."

He opened one of the doors gently before peeking in.

Chenyi looked up from his paperwork and a smile broke out once he saw Ian.

"Ian, what are you doing here?" he said as he made his way to his husband to usher him in and let him sit on the couch. He may seem calm on the surface, but there was a fond undertone in his voice.

"Oh, well... I thought about bringing you lunch so umm..." Ian said awkwardly and nervously.

Chenyi smiled softly and laughed under his breath, he leaned towards his husband and planted a kiss on his soft blond curls, "Thank you, honey."

Ian blushed to the tip of his ears, "Oh, it was no problem at all."

This Author wants to say something:

Front Desk Girl: I ship it

Rotten Girls (Fujoshis): ONE OF US! ONE OF US!

Editors note: Sorry for the late update once again- I even have an alarm from this smh

Copyright © 2021 Lille Ally Sato

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