C4: Family Day

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Ian always went out every Saturday in his past life (Well, before he was admitted to the hospital anyways). He used to go and look for sights. Sometimes his class would go on outings, and as long as it wasn't too late he'd come along. Now, he planned to bring Wenduo out to a fair. But then he remembered the 'father' of his son.

So he sighed and begrudgingly went off to his 'husband's' room. After last time, they were still in a slightly awkward tension. They mostly stayed clear of each other, only interacting for their son's sake.

He came to a stop in front of Chenyi's room. He raised his hand and knocked on the door. "Umm, Chenyi? I'm taking Wenduo to the amusement park...Want...to go with us?", Ian bit his lip as he shifted from foot to foot anxiously.

He waited for a few silent moments. He sighed and turned to walk away when the door swung open. Eyes wide, he stared up at the ready-to-go tall man who was his 'husband' named Chenyi.

After a few blinks— trying to make sure it's actually him after not seeing him as much— he tilts his head as a 'follow me' gesture.

With his husband following after him, they arrived by the door where Wenduo was trying to tie his last shoe.

"Here, Duo'er...Let Mommy help you with that." Ian offered, crouching down to help.

"No! Mommy can only help once I give up! But I won't, I promise! I can do this, and I'll make Mommy proud!" Little Wenduo said as his tongue stuck out in concentration.

Ian softly laughed covering his snickers with his hand standing up again as Chenyi chuckled behind him. He looked back at him with a soft smile. Chenyi smiled back a little.

Once Wenduo finished tying his shoes. He stood up and raised his foot one by one, proudly showing his mom and dad the work he did.

"Good job, Duo'er!" Ian said with a bright smile and clapped his hands making Wenduo grin wider.

"You did great, Ah Duo." Chenyi said and patted his head. 

(A/N: 'Ah' is another term of endearment usually used the same way as 'Er' except 'Ah' is placed at the beginning instead of in the end)

Wendou excitedly grabbed his parents' hands and walked out the front door with a little happy jump in his steps.


Once they finally arrived, Wenduo couldn't stop his excitement. He hasn't been to an amusement park at all before! And to make it better, both his Mommy and Daddy were there with him!

The parents got dragged along as the little bun bounced around all over the place. The boy had lots of fun, his mother joined in a few times while his father stood back and watched the mother and son pair. Chenyi didn't enjoy games and playing as much as the two, but he did enjoy watching his family have fun. He made sure that Wenduo and Ian were safe and that their baby wouldn't stray too far when he found something interesting. He smiled softly seeing his little boy having fun with his mother.

Small chatter followed them wherever they went.

"Ehh? Is that Chairman Cheng?"

"Hmm, it looks like it."

"Look! Chairman Cheng is with a little boy!"

"Is he his son?"

"Wahh! He's so cute!!!"

"Is that ger his husband?"

"I don't think I've ever seen the ger with Chairman Cheng before."

The former Ian never went out with the father and son before, choosing to lock himself in his room. Wenduo hasn't been seen much either, and if someone did they weren't allowed to post in any social platforms about their sightings. So the people could only speculate the identities of the man and little boy with the chairman.

Ian looked around cautiously, he was worried that the people might make a huge fuss about them and that it would bother Wenduo. He bit his lip softly and his grip around his son's hand tightened slightly.

Noticing the worried look on his husband's face, he turned back to the bystanders pointing and whispering. Chenyi's eyes narrowed slightly as he shot intimidating looks at the nosy people until they tensed and awkwardly walked away. Chenyi sighed under his breath as he lightly shook his head.

Ian smiled at him gratefully and silently reached over to grasp his larger hand then squeezed it gently.

Chenyi squeezed back silently as they continued to walk back to the parking lot swinging their arms while Wenduo skips about.

This Author wants to say something:

Netizens: Who is that man I see? Why's he with Cheng Chenyi? *sings in the tone of Reflection in Mulan*

This chapter has been slightly rewritten!

If you've followed this book since the beginning and still remember the chapter's contents, then you'd notice a few more details that's different from before.

I hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter ^^

~Lille Ally Sato

Editors note: Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the late update. I completely forgot about it. But I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Also pls join our discord server. It's in our bio!

Copyright © 2021 Lille Ally Sato

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