C3: Getting to Know You

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After that night, Chenyi started to observe his husband interact with their son. And it was such a difference to the Ian he was forced to marry.

This Ian smiled brightly. This Ian was compassionate. This Ian was caring. And this Ian loved their son. He loved Wenduo so much and would do everything for him.

He doesn't understand how this came to be though. His trip was only for a few days and he still can't figure out what happened that caused Ian to change. He asked his trusted butler and all the maids... but they all said the same thing...

"Master Ian came out of his room one day wearing pajamas and cooked breakfast for Master Wenduo... And he's been there for the Young Master ever since...."

Thinking about it, Ian was like a whole new person overnight.

Ian, who never knew his husband (soon to be ex-husband in his opinion) was confused, continued to spend time with his little one.

Wenduo was happy he got to spend more time with his Mommy that he just never asked or complained about it. He basically forgot about the whole thing in the office, Ian blamed his tiredness for that. But because of this, he was happy that his little one wasn't worrying his little head off.

This was part of their daily routine now, cuddling on the couch watching cartoons. But the only difference now is Chenyi sitting at the other end of the couch while his 'husband' and son cuddled, making him feel a little left out. He then slapped himself internally, that man hasn't cared before! So he doesn't deserve Chenyi's care either...

Ian was softly whispering jokes about the current cartoon (which was Lion King) making baby Wenduo giggle softly back to his mother.

Both were the picture of a perfect 'mother' and son making all the maids who saw them awe and coo.

Chenyi just grit his teeth in frustration of the contradicting thoughts filling his head.

Sooner or later, the frustration just grew and grew as his view of this ger began to differ. And he ended up learning a few things about him too.

He loved chocolate. It was like a guilty pleasure. He tried to hide it, but he caught him eating some for himself (and maybe giving some to Wenduo if he was ever caught eating them by his son). He tended to make a small batch late in the night.

Then he loved to play. Whether on game stations, or outdoor, or board games. He taught their son a lot about this and that about these games, and the father and son just grew impressed by the ger.

He also loved animals, butterflies are a great example. Whenever he and Wenduo would walk around the backyard, he would always point out the little butterflies to show to Wenduo. He liked to show Wenduo books about animals as well, and Wenduo was always fascinated by them.

And the other thing was his appearance. Before, he always thought the man had always kept making himself look good. But that was not the case, he just... always looked like that. Even with leaves in his hair and a few smudges of dirt here and there, he still looked pretty and presentable.

The most surprising thing was that he really did care about a lot of things. He may not show it, but he did. As much as he claims to hate Chenyi, he made sure to cook food for him as well. He cares for Wenduo as much as— or even more than— him with how much he dotes on him. And somehow, he prefers to do every chore himself making the maids sweat if they would still get their pay after this.

He was so confused.

And he can't get it out of his head.

This Author wants to say something:

CCY: ???

IMBC: ...?


Us: XD

Editor: Another chapter out! I hope you all enjoy. If there are any areas that are confusing or there are spelling errors, just comment so I can edit it later! We'll also be having a banner soon for our stories so you can join our discord! Pls join :)

Copyright © 2021 Lille Ally Sato

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