C23: Sign Up

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Chapter 23

Sign Up

Hiring the models was a bit more complicated.

With their concept, it was a bit trickier to grasp the necessary traits their models should have,

Their concept is that all kinds of styles and looks are beautiful. So if everyone is considered beautiful, should they just hire anyone as a model?

Most magazines would require a specific type of look. A specific type of style. And specific kinds of models.

Height. Skin tone. Eye color. Hair color. Hair style. Everything had to be taken into consideration.

But with Renaissance, they won't be doing that.

He only knew of one way to solve this. A competition. Not one for looks, but for charm.

And everyone can join.


"Have you heard? Renaissance is having a competition!"


"Yeah! Said that it was the only way for them to hire worthy models! And everyone can join!"

"But what about people who live outside A Country? What if they want to join too?"

"Hmm, the sign up process is online. So maybe after getting the appropriate contact details, they could fly them here?"

"...won't that cost a lot?"

"Chairman Cheng's behind Renaissance, I'm sure it'll be fine if it's about finance."

"True. Can anyone really join?"

"Yes! To them, everyone is beautiful, it's just a matter of charm and who has what it takes to be a model."

"Guess that makes sense, I mean not all attractive people can be a model."

"Do you wanna sign up? I feel like this would be a great opportunity!"


"How's the sign up launch?" Ian asked his assistant, Kazumi, while tapping on his tablet.

"We're reaching throughout the world, even Z Country, Sir!" Kazumi answered.

"That's great!" Ian smiled determinedly as the car slowed to a stop.

He steps out before adjusting his suit and carrying his things with him, "I'll see you tomorrow! Pep will drive you home." he said with a smile and gesturing to the driver.

"Thank you, Sir! Have a nice night with Chairman Cheng and Sir Wenduo!" Kazumi chirped, making Ian chuckle before answering: "Have a nice night as well!"

Ian watched as the car drove away and entered the gates as the guards opened it up.

He's immediately greeted by their head maid, "Good evening Madam! Sir and the young master should be in the living room awaiting your arrival!"

"Thank you, Liz. Bora, can you please take this to Chenyi and I's office?" he nodded to the lady before turning to the butler nearby and handing him his things.

He strode into the room with a big smile on his face when he caught sight of his husband and son.

"I'm home!" he called, Wenduo's head turned quickly in his direction.

"Mommy!" The bun's little face split into a grin before he engulfed his mom into a hug. Ian laughed before hugging back.

As he pulled away, Chenyi had come up to the pair and planted a soft kiss on Ian's lips "How was your day?"

Ian smiled happily at his family, "It's going great! I have a few ideas that I want to run through you."

Chenyi kissed him lightly again before taking Wenduo into his arms, "I'm sure it's just fine, dear. Come, let's have dinner."

"Mommy, mommy! I made a new friend today! He sat in the empty seat beside me in class and shared his snacks with me! He was really nice!" the baby rambled in his father's arms.

"Oh? Do tell, baby." Ian said with a fond smile as Wenduo continued chatting.

This author has something to say:
Baby Bun: I got a new friend!
Ian: *wipes tear* He's growing up so fast.
Chenyi: *narrows eyes* This friend better not have any ulterior motives—
Baby Bun: And he's a ger! Just like Mommy!
Chenyi: !!!

So today we have a looksie at Renaissance's development and the family's growing closeness!
The few more chapters after this would be concentrating on Ian's achievements and further developments of his new magazine!
So that would mean that we have less scenes with bby Duo'er *kneels down* I'm sorry ;-;

Also, have a lil cameo of some of the members of my beloved team!
Kazumi as Kazumi the assistant
Pepe as Pep the driver
Lizanime as Liz the head maid
Boraise as Bora the butler

I hope everyone liked today's chapter!
And as usual, I'll see you guys in the next update!
~Lille Ally Sato

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