C26: Results

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Everyone on the internet was at the edge of their seats, waiting for the audition results.

They were all clamoring to hype up their own biases, idols, friends, and family to be included into the models for the magazine.


Collectively, a notification from Renaissance's official website popped up. Multiple people pressed it at once to see the final results.

Gasps and cheers rang up in households and offices as friends and families rejoiced at the success of their loved ones.

It seemed like there were a fair few from each country who were chosen to be models.

Of course, not everyone would fit into one magazine issue. Instead, they'll be appearing on the next one, then the others on the next one, and so on.

And if not, they can write to fellow fashion magazines.

The more popular of the models, ones who had already started their modeling careers and had many supporters, weren't chosen.

They were doing quite well already and even still Renaissance's post stated that even if they weren't chosen, they were still some of the best models they've seen yet and that they would contact other magazines to support them.

All in all, everyone was quite happy with the ending of the auditions.

The fans looked through the list of successful models and which issue they'll be appearing, one by one. After looking through the whole thing, they cheered once more.


Ian looked through the notifications of comments and likes, and couldn't help but smile proudly.

'Look Ian, we're doing quite well. Don't you think?'

The door to his room swung open followed by the pitter-patter of small feet, making him look up from his tablet.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

Ian let out a small oof as his son barrelled into his arms. He wrapped his arms around Wenduo with a laugh, "What is it, Xiao Duo?"

The little bun nuzzled into him before looking up and smiling, "Daddy said that you did a really great job at work and that I had to give you a congrachutions hug, oh!"

Ian laughed again, "It's con-gra-tu-la-tions, sweetie. And thank you for the hug. I loved it."

He ruffled Wenduo's hair, before swooping him into his arms and standing up then poking his little nose making him giggle, "And, I love you. Now let's go see your daddy, hmm?"

Wenduo nodded and held onto his neck as they walked out the room.

They walked through the hallways before stopping in front of the door to Chenyi's office. Wenduo stepped up to open the door before Ian tugged on his hand.

"Always remember to knock, little one. It's the polite thing to do." Ian told the little bun who nodded and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" the voice inside piped up.

Ian turned the knob and opened the door. Chenyi was at his desk, he just put down his pen and started to arrange his paperwork before setting it aside.

Ian walked in as Chenyi stood up and went around his desk to greet his little family. They met in the middle as Chenyi wrapped the two in a hug.

"You did well, love." Chenyi said to Ian, making Ian smile shyly.

"Thank you.." he whispered.

Chenyi just smiled and gave both Ian and Wenduo a soft kiss on their forehead. He then took Ian's hand, "Come, dinner should be ready by now." he said and led them out the room and closed the door.

This author has something to say:

Now initially, I was going to add in a whole complicated part where the auditions went just like a Top Supermodel show would XDDD

But then I thought that it wouldn't have much of an affect on Ian and his family's life and would just serve to be useless filler and doesn't really push the plot forward—

Anyways, I'll see you all next update~

~Lille Ally Sato

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