Extra #2: Reverse AU

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(5/18/22) This extra is a little different. I've been sitting on this one for a while now and decided to publish it as an extra. I'm not sure if I'll be adding a second (or more) part(s), and if I will I may just post it on my Patreon.
Anyways, this extra is an alternate universe were instead of Xie Yan transmigrating... it is instead Chenyi who is transmigrating. I tweaked a few details about the world, namely Xie Yan's disease. It isn't the same as before so don't have any worries of him dying in this AU.

When Cheng Chenyi opened his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of a relieved family and a horde of doctors and nurses surrounding him.

The next couple of days went by in a blur as he constantly slips between consciousness and unconsciousness. But whenever he was awake, he learned more and more about the state he's currently in.

He isn't in the same world anymore. Important events that were previously set out in history were either different or just gone altogether. And the biggest difference in this world was the absence of gers. And he definitely isn't in the body he previously was in, instead he's now known as Shang Zexi who had gotten into a car accident on his way home.

Shang Zexi's family who constantly worried over him was a stark contrast to Chenyi's previous life as an orphan. He had to painstakingly climb up the ranks and the harshness of the world to finally become one of the most powerful, richest and most successful people in the world.

The Shang family seem to be a very influential family as well. Zexi was set to inherit the family business as the eldest child after finishing his education on Business at their city's best private school. But sadly, their son got into this car accident and now has amnesia.

The doctors all agreed that Shang Zexi now had amnesia when the man couldn't remember anything about his own name, his family, the accident he was just in, and even some common knowledge previously known by just about everyone. The Shang family was saddened but decided that no matter what, Zexi was their son and they would take care of him. So they planned to take him home as soon as they were able.

But before they can, Zexi still has to heal from his injuries.

He asks the nurse if he can take a walk outside once he's well into the road of recovery. She agrees as long as he's careful and doesn't go out of the hospital. He nods before finally stepping out of his room.

Other patients walking around, families rushing to see their loved ones, and the hospital staff bustled around him.

The hospital was seemingly filled with energy. The atmosphere helped to better his mood from spending days in his stifling room. He was too used to being surrounded by employees and workers both at work and at home, the only two places that he frequented. Going from that to an empty room (visited only by doctors, nurses, and of course his new family) was a little disorienting.

That was until he came by a different room. Unlike the ones he passed by— filled with the voices of people— this one was silent aside from the constant beeping of a machine.

He glanced at the name on the door and found that the patient inside was a man named 'Xie Yan'.

His feet stepped in front of the door before he could make a coherent thought. The only thing evident in his head was the soft echoes of loneliness.

He lightly knocked on the door. He wasn't expecting a reply, but there was a soft voice muffled by the door saying 'Come in'.

He hesitated once his hand reached the knob. What was he doing? He doesn't know this person. He has absolutely no reason for visiting this man. He wasn't the kind of person who would enjoy talking with people or a complete stranger.

Before he could step back however, the voice called back once more with a small shake, "H-Hello?"

He gently opened the door and caught sight of Xie Yan on the bed. The black-haired man lay on the hospital bed, the hospital gown's light blue color making the paleness of his skin seem even more sickly.

He seemed to notice Zexi taking in his appearance, making him lift a hand to wave it dismissively, "I swear it's not as bad as it looks. It was a tough ride, but I'm okay now. Doctor says I'll be recovering just fine."

Zexi nodded before stepping closer, "I'm Shang Zexi. I apologize for barging in. I..." he stumbled in his words, not entirely sure how to explain it.

Xie Yan smiled and shook his head, "No need to explain. It's nice to see a new face anyways. My name is Xie Yan."

Well he already knew that, but Zexi nodded anyway.

"What brought you here to the hospital?" Xie Yan asked.

"Car accident." Zexi answered, "And you? You're in recovery now, yes?"

Xie Yan nodded, "I was. I had a tumor growing in my brain, luckily I noticed it on time and immediately contacted a doctor. I recently just got surgery to remove it, and I'll be staying in the hospital for recovery for now."

His brows furrowed, it really wouldn't have ended well for Xie Yan if he didn't see it in time. He took the thought out as he answered, "I'm just about finishing up on my hospital stay. I wouldn't be here too long."

"Oh, I see." Xie Yan seemed to deflate at the thought that he won't be seeing his new friend (acquaintance?) around anymore.

"Would you like my phone number?" Zexi asks, "I'd ask for yours but I left my phone in my room and I don't have anything to write on with me."

The man's face brightens up as he reaches for the phone on his bedside table.

He unlocks it before handing it to Zexi who puts in his number.

Afterwards, a nurse comes in to check on Xie Yan so Zexi excuses himself and leaves.

He closes the door as Xie Yan waves him goodbye with a smile.

As he walks back to his own room, he thinks back on his own actions.

It isn't like him to try and befriend or get close to someone like that. But maybe, something inside him just panged at seeing a man so utterly alone. Xie Yan's expression when he thought that Zexi— the only person who seemed to even show a bit of care about him— was leaving and he might never see him again. His room was devoid of all traces of visitors or family. (Unlike his own room that was filled with little get-well-soon gifts and flowers on his bedside table.)

Xie Yan had no one... just like Cheng Chenyi was in his last life.

He arrived in his room just as his phone pinged.

> Hi! This is Xie Yan :)

Zexi couldn't help but smile back at the little emoticon.

> Hello as well. This is Shang Zexi.

He hopes that in the future, they won't be so alone anymore.

This author has one last thing to say:
(3/18/22) I'm sorry I haven't been able to update, I have been sick for the past few days and soon right after had to catch up on my schoolwork :'>>
I hope everyone enjoys this last instalment of Baby Momma. Thank you so much for following Ian's story <333

(5/26/23) Bruh I just realized I forgot about these things for a whole ass year *wheeze* Uhmm, sorry again guys- *kowtows*

(For inquiries, message me on the account above!)

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