C27.1: Transition

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It's already been a month or two since he started going to work.

But he still can't seem to get used to all the changes in his day-to-day life.

Going from being a house-husband to being a full-time businessman was... somewhat of a transition.

It was weird going from having his small world at home to having to navigate the business world.

Honestly, he didn't mind the environment or the work hours too much. But he does miss his little son.

Glancing at the clock after looking through his paperwork, he almost jumped up when he realized it was the time he usually accompanied Wenduo in navigating their backyard.

He slumped back down onto his seat after remembering that he's at work and his baby is back at home.

Then his mind wanders back to the fact that once again, little Duo'er is all alone at home without his parents with him. His face twists into guilt.

He isn't too sure about this whole working 'thing' anymore.

Don't get him wrong though!

He loves their business.

And he's very glad that what he studied in his last life was finally put to use.

...he sighed softly as conflicting thoughts warred in his head.


After work, he immediately rushed back home to his family.

Hearing the sound of Wenduo's laugh from the living room, he hurriedly made his way there.

What greeted him was the sight of Chenyi— still in his working clothes, must have just come back as well— sitting beside Wenduo as they watched a simple children's show.

Wenduo was cuddled up beside his father, as if he couldn't let a chance of even the smallest contact against him escape.

Ian's heart melted, but at the same time his chest hurt just a little.

By then, Wenduo had noticed his presence and immediately stood up to greet his 'mother' with a hug and a shout of: "Mama! Welcome back!!!"

Ian eagerly accepted his hug, wrapping his arms around the little bun and hoisting him up.

With Wenduo settled on his hip, he turned to greet his husband with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Welcome home." Chenyi whispered against his cheek.

Here, with his family surrounding him, Ian relaxes and breathes a sigh of relief.

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