Extra #1: Wenduo POV

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Wenduo's life was really lonely.

Well of course he had Bora the butler, Liz the maid, and Kiki the cook, and all the other servants. But they're just doing their jobs, you know?

He realized as early as when he was two years old that you don't have to be alone to feel lonely.

Really, the only ones he ever wanted to play with were Mommy and Daddy.

But Daddy was always busy. He was never home and only stayed at the company doing big-boy stuff that he didn't really understand. And his Mommy always stayed inside his room. He never talked to him, never ate with him, or played with him.

One day though, everything seemed to change.

He had just woken up earlier than usual, so there weren't any servants waiting to dress him and feed him yet. He hesitatingly chose to make his way to his Mommy's room.

Worry scrunched up his small face as he lightly knocked on the door.

"I-it's Wenduo...", he said as he stumbled through the words.

He bit his lip, thinking that this time won't be any different from any of the last time from the last few years and that his mommy won't ever talk to him.

Instead, he heard slow footsteps walking up to the door making him freeze.

Then the door opened revealing the soft blonde hair and bright blue eyes of his pajama-clad mom.

His own blue eyes, that had steadily grown wider as the time went by, widened so much to the point that they were like saucers. It was almost comical in a way.

When his mommy did nothing but stare at him, he could only ask in a whisper "Uhmm, Mommy...?".

"Duo'er..." his mommy whispered in an almost broken voice as he wrapped his arms around him carefully, making him stand tensely.

Was this a hug? He's never had a hug before. What does he do?

Wenduo could only relax the longer it went and his mommy still didn't let go.

He didn't know why, but he felt so happy he could cry. He thought you only cry when you're sad, so this was a bit confusing. Still he couldn't stop the tears slowly falling down his cheeks, letting out a sniff.

His mommy seemed to pause when he heard it, and he pulled away with concern on his face.

"Baby, is there anything wrong? Does something hurt?" Mommy asked as he looked him up and down.

The little bun could only shake his head and sniffed some more when he felt snot sliding down his nose. Daddy told him to only use tissues for snot because he'd ruin his shirts if he used the sleeves to wipe it, so he could only sniff and sniff some more.

Mommy briskly went to his bedside table and took out a handkerchief to wipe his tears and snot. Wenduo could only respond as he tried to stay still for his mommy, "I'm just so happy that Mommy finally gave me a hug..."

His mommy paused and his mouth slowly dipped into a frown.

Duo'er didn't know if he had said or did something wrong, but he started to feel really bad when faced with the frown on his mom's face.

His thoughts were paused when he felt a soft touch of lips on his forehead making him look up in shock and surprise.

"Don't worry baby! You can get as many hugs as you want from now on!"

Tears welled up in his eyes again as he grinned excitedly. He went back into his mommy's eyes in joy, the tears once again slipping down his cheeks and wetting his mommy's pajamas.

"Thank you, Mommy!"

This author has something to say:

(3/18/22) I'm so sorry for missing multiple updates! Our wifi hasn't been fixed yet after it got broken from the recent storm in our area.
But I managed to connect today! So Happy New Year everyone! Enjoy this extra!

(For  any inquiries, message me in the account above!)

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