C19: Take Over

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Chapter 19

Take Over

Edited by Potat

"Hey Chenyi!"

Chenyi blinked blearily as he adjusted his phone on his ear, "Ethan? Why are you calling so early in the morning?"

He hears a snort, "Early in the morning? It's already ten!"

Chenyi looks at his clock, "Hmm, so it is. What are you calling for anyways? You do know I'm currently sick in bed right?"

"Yup! Which is why I'm here to report something," he can practically hear the grin on his friend's face.

Chenyi sighs and settles back into his bed, "Report then."

"Your husband's taken over the project!!!"

He sat up so quickly he had to shake his head slightly til the dizziness faded away before answering, "What?"

"Little Ian's taken over the project for you! You should see him, Chenyi! He's fantastic!!!"


"Alright! Thank you so much for cooperating, everyone! If we keep this up, we'll have this done in no time." Ian said as he arranged the reports in his hands neatly.

"Thank you so much for all the help, Mr Cheng!" Miss Lopez said with a small bow of respect.

"Oh it's no problem at all, Miss Lopez." Ian said with a small embarrassed laugh and waved his hand in dismissal.

"Nonsense, we really must thank you. The last time Mr Cheng got sick he bulldozed through the project and ended up even worse right after." One of the oldest of them, Mr Miller stated.

At Ian's raised eyebrow and bewildered eyes, Mr Moore piped up "The Boss terrifies us, but we still care about him. We tried telling him to take a break, maybe get a few hours of rest even. But that man's as stubborn as a bull. And a workaholic to boot. Honestly, it's a miracle that you managed to convince him to take a few days off."

Ian laughed slightly, "I may or may not have used Wenduo as a way to make him stay home..."



"Wait..." Chenyi sighed and rubbed his face, "Is this why he told me to stay home and keep Wenduo company today because he had to 'go somewhere'?"

A laugh sounded from the phone, "Yup!"

And as if summoned, the door opened right after, "Daddy!!!"


"Doesn't surprise me really." Miss Wilson said, "You'd need whatever it takes to convince that man to do something."

"You really do." Ian laughed. "Anyways, everyone can go now! And tell me if there's any problems!"

"We will, Mr Cheng!" was chimed through the people as they left the room.

Ian sighed in relief as he carried the pile of paperwork and reports in his arms as he made his way to Chenyi's office.

He placed them on the table and sat down.

Before starting on the paperwork, something caught his eye.

At the side of the table was a small picture frame. A picture of their time at the amusement park was on it. Wenduo in Ian's arms, Chenyi's arm around his waist, and smiles on all their faces.

He didn't know where Chenyi got the picture, but he's going to ask for the picture as well so he can put the picture up at home.

He faced the paperwork once again, thinking back to the Business classes he managed to get in college before he was hospitalized.

This author has something to say:

Ethan: *snitches*

The Boss: ( 'Д')

Momma: *gasp* You snitch!

Bby Duo'er: I'm only a distraction 。゚(゚'Д`゚)゚。

Editors note:



Thank you so much to kazumi ❀ for helping me in Discord 🤧

Names aren't a strong suit of mine— (I miss you kazuzu :'/ )

And the whole time I was trying to write this I was like "I KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN BUT I NEED A NAMEEEEE" then I gave up and just asked for names in the Discord Server XD

Also, I have no idea how businesses actually work— so watch me grasp on straws just to make this chapter not sound utterly ridiculous—

Anyways hope everyone enjoys this chapter!

See you all in the next one!

~Lille Ally Sato

Copyright © 2021 Lille Ally Sato

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