C21: Renaissance

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Chapter 21

With his new life, Ian was struggling to find something to do.

There was taking care of his family, but what about a career or a hobby? Some sort of passion?

Before, Ian had been modeling. But Xie Yan had no idea how to model.

In his past life, he never really paid attention to how he looked and what he wore. He was more focused on finally finishing his education, and then holding on as he lay in the hospital bed.

And then came that fire that's been flickering since he took over for Chenyi on the project.

He had been studying Business in college, and he used all that knowledge when he took over. But now, he wants to start his own business.

At that point, he had to think of what kind of business he wanted to start. He couldn't just decide all willy-nilly. He had to think about Ian's past connections and influence.

And that's when it hit him.

He may not know how to model, but he can start a business for a fashion magazine.

Once the thought came into his mind, it latched on and he couldn't shake it off.

So he set on preparing for it.

He researched the impact of the fashion circle in recent years and Ian and Chenyi's current resources that he could use to his advantage.

When everything was set and done, all that was left was making sure to tell his husband. He had learned that communication has been really healthy for both of them as he tried to navigate a new world with his family by his side. So he wasn't just going to do this without telling his family.



"Yes?" Chenyi looks up from his paperwork to his husband who's typing on his laptop, researching something.

"I'm planning to start my own fashion magazine," he says, pausing from his research to look at him.

Chenyi couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, "Oh?"

Ian nodded, "Taking over that project for you got me thinking, and I want to have a career— a business. I wanted to do something in Ian's circle, but I have no experience in modeling."

"I, however, have been studying Business in my past life. So I wanted to make a business in the fashion circle."

"I decided on a fashion magazine soon after. That way, Ian doing this won't be too out of character and would be something we both would enjoy."

Chenyi smiles softly, he likes the determination in his husband's voice, "I'll support you."

Ian's eyes widened in shock, "Really? That's all? You aren't doubtful or going to protest or anything?"

His husband only shrugged, "You did really well with the project. Though that and starting a fashion magazine may be different, I'm sure you can do it just as well. And if you have any trouble, I won't mind helping you at all."

Ian gave him a teary smile before walking over to him and giving him a tight hug, "Thank you so much, Chenyi!"

Chenyi grinned and wrapped his arms around him.

Ian takes a breath before speaking into Chenyi's chest, "This will take a bit of time, but I already know what I want to do with it."

"I don't want it to have stereotypical and traditional clothing like Neutré. Instead of the 'femine clothes to women and gers while masculine clothes to men', I want it to focus on fashion and the beauty of all people no matter their style or aesthetic in our new era."

"I'll be calling it 'Renaissance'. And I'll use it to show how everyone can be beautiful in their own unique way. That all kinds of fashion is gorgeous and shouldn't be stifled."

"That sounds amazing, dear." Chenyi pressed a kiss on his husband's head.

And soon right after, the news hit the mainstream and thousands of people shared their support.

The author has something to say:
Worker 1: The magazine has sold out! Σ(゚д゚lll)
IMBC: But... we haven't even published any yet— ( ゚д゚)
Worker 1: Everyone's been messaging us saying they want to pre-order it!!! ((((;゚Д゚)))))))

I'm sorry I missed a lot of updates :<<<
Our wifi still hasn't been fixed after a storm came in our area
But I managed to get connected to a wifi today

Copyright © 2021 Lille Ally Sato

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