Entry 205: Zora's Domain

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The party was so fun. After vows were exchanged we had a feast, and there was lots of music and we danced through the night. The town was lit up with candles and colorful lanterns. I got to help with the cooking, actually I was cooking most of the time and Sidon helped me. I got to teach him a lot! Sidon actually took over towards the end of the night so I could join the others and chat for a bit. I'm not used to dancing, but it seems you kinda just move however you want, so I think I was okay. There was also a lot of drinking so almost everyone was acting a little off. They kept inviting me to join them, but I have to keep my mind sharp at all times, you never know what could happen whenever. Bolson told me the construction on my house was going well so far, it should also go even faster after the party since he and his team can now get supplies from here. Though he also said that he probably didn't have to tell me since I'd be coming back soon anyway. It was then he got the idea I go with and the others back to Hateno, everyone back home would certainly be surprised and happy. Unless he felt he needed my protection to get back I declined.

I'd love to go back, but... even if Sidon believes in my strength, I need to believe it. Doubting myself will just get me killed. Before home, I'm going to learn from Shikah and Zora.

Hudson and Sidon overheard and joined in. Sidon wondered aloud if perhaps I could have a have a second home for storage or something here, it's close to the domain so Sidon could visit me more often than he can when I'm at Hateno, it could also just be a place for me to take a quick rest when traveling. Bolson practically sold Sidon a house on the spot. While they were talking Calisa approached me. She said that she herself had officiated many weddings for fellow travelers so if we happened to bump into one another, she could do it for Sidon and I. She then said even if we don't wed to keep him close, we seem really good for one another.

So I guess this is a shared house since Sidon got it for me, but he'd probably get use out of it more often than I. Though I guess I will be storing some miscellaneous things here like the iron boots, weapons I have not been using, things like that so Bossa Nova doesn't have as much to carry. Since we got to town he kept wandering off to the lake below to go swimming. He usually returns by nightfall but I think the party may have been a bit loud for him so he dug a hole and laid in it, resting his head in the deepest part.

By the time the first signs of dawn were showing most were asleep or were off doing their own thing. Sidon and I were sitting by the edge of town just talking. At some point I asked Sidon what zora weddings are like. There are more so two separate sections, the celebrating with others part and the lovers making their vows part. Celebrating with others is similar with food and music, but the dancing is a little different, and the music itself is admittedly slower and not a peppy as what we had here. As for the vows part... well he started speaking but then quickly grew quiet. When he spoke again he was rather sheepish, I only hard part of it due to him mumbling. It went along the lines of the new pair make vows to one another or of the future as they fall from a great height or waterfall into water together, then something about riding through treacherous rivers or facing some great challenge to represent how they'll stay together no matter how harsh life may become, to prove they can and will rely on one another, and support the other. Then... Sidon wondered aloud if facing something like a Divine Beast would count as that "challenge".

I... was not sure what he was talking about.

Kapson said facing the Divine Beast, let alone managing to fell it would most certainly count. We didn't even realize he was near by and his abrupt answer startled us senseless. Sidon than asked him to not tell his father or anyone that he got secretly married.

I mean... I wasn't planning on doing anything like this till the Calamity was defeated.

I was just, my mind went blank and it took me a few moments to realize what had happened. I am so slow. Only just then did it click and I kind of shouted "WE'RE MARRIED!?" They both just stared at me for a moment before Kapson said he wouldn't tell, but everyone would probably find out from me. Calisa was also around because I heard her chuckling and she said that we didn't need her services after all.

Sidon excused himself as he picked me up and took me to our house. He first asked me if we could agree to only be "kind of married- engaged, how about we are engaged" since if we were to get married for real we'd have to have his people there to celebrate and he knew I'd want Kass, the people of Hateno and others there, a wedding between us had to be perfect for both of us. He also wanted it to be at a time when we both felt ready for this, not before facing the Calamity of all things. And most importantly before we can get married, if we ever wanted too, he placed a big emphasis on the "if" he just really wants to make sure I don't feel pressured by this, that he properly court me so that I'll be just as much in love with him as he is with me. I'm pretty sure I like him more than he likes me, but he said that could not possibly be true and we kinda got into a competition over who loved the other more? Now we're going to court each other to see who the winner is? So... we're going to go on lots of outings together I guess. In the end we wound up cuddling for a while. He just kept hugging me and running his fingers through my hair and talking about how kind, and strong, how great I am and how he was so glad he got the chance to meet me let alone gain my affections and how much good I've done and how I don't treat Sidon as a prince or Mipha's brother, with me he's just a person who I happen to think is amazing, he's not different from others, he's just completely and unabashedly accepted, and how I wasn't like that with just him but others like how I write of Riju and Zelda now. And he just really likes me, that I'm capable of that.

Sidon was late getting back to the Domain so some guards came to collect him. He didn't want to go back yet but did. He refused to leave before giving he a long tight hug and told me he'd be waiting eagerly for my return.

I can't lose to him, he had been so affectionate the whole time, I never got the chance to prove I love him more! It's always like this, he always does so much for me, he helps me get up when I'm hurting, he looks after me when I'm ill, he even made me armor and just spends his time with me. The very least I can do is force this world to be one where he can be free and travel without worry and make sure he knows I appreciate everything he does for me and that I love him so, so much! But I don't know how to do that. What could I possibly ever do to show him all that?

The best I could do in the moment was give him a kiss and tell him he didn't have to wait at all, that I'd accompany him back, I was planning on going there after visiting the spring of power anyway. I swear his eyes sparkled, he had such a bright smile, lifting me off the ground in a tight hug and spinning around, he was so giggly. He nuzzled into me saying he was so excited.

The trip was uneventful except for Bossa Nova wading down a different river and us having to drag him back.

And now, here we are. Sidon had a room set up for me by his. He's busy since he didn't get to work when he should have before.

First thing he had done though was send me to the doctors to check on my arm.

The new medicine I have has this, weird, awful taste. I hate it. And there are also going to be other tests and check-ups tomorrow. I hope the medicine is changed to something better. I also sent Amali a letter so she knows my arm is being looked after again!

I guess I'll sleep for now, then after the tests go see the guards, ask if I can join in on their training if Sidon is too busy.

He did say he'd get back to me as soon as he could and that he would sweep me off my feet. I wonder what he has planned.

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