Entry 216: Bannan Island

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Sidon woke me up this morning. He worked through the night to finish the armor and made the hand mirror for me. He asked me if I really was going to leave today. So he could tell that easily, huh. He asked that we just do two things before I go. The first was cuddling for a little bit. The second, he challenged me to a battle. Before I leave, we HAD to fight. He told me he'd prove to me that I wouldn't have to worry about him, that I can rely on him, that I wasn't alone in this, that I don't have to carry the burden of the whole world on my shoulders. That... he wanted to prove to me things were different this time, my friends won't die, I won't fall asleep for another hundred years, I won't forget anything again. We'd be happy, and safe.

We fled from the city, this was a serious battle, no training weapons, no holding back, first to incapacitate the other is the winner.

He studied my form, from Hylian to the one I'm making. He knows he can't beat me in raw skill, I'm simply always fighting, he's not, he doesn't have as much experience, but he's smart. He adapts so quickly. Every time I changed my strategy moments later, he'd catch on and change his. He took swift aim at any weak spot I showed. He even learned from me during battle, like how I use the environment to my advantage he started copying me. At first he tried sticking towards the waters, but he quickly realized that if he kept that up I'd be able to get in a sneak attack and win. You can't be stubborn in battle, if a strategy isn't working or takes too long, you have to drop it for something else and he did just that. He's also much, much stronger than me, and he knew that. If our weapons clashed, he could easily push through and get to me, so I needed to rely on speed. Running wise he's not so, but when swinging those tridents, he's like lightning. Even in battle he smiles. He so earnestly thinks the best of any given situation it's almost as if that wills it into truth. He never faltered, never lost confidence or got distracted. He has an iron will that never wavered.

No matter how capable there are some things you simply cannot learn without experience. Like knowing how to fight without sight, to focus on your hearing. I was able to blind him for a moment with the mirror reflecting the sunlight. Immediately he tried fighting back, but that moment was enough for me to deliver a jab to his chest with the back end of Mipha's trident, knock him to the ground and hold Boulder Breaker right above his head.

He wanted to win, so badly, it was clear, yet he looked at me for a moment and smiled so softly. He said that was a fantastic battle. He thought it was a little funny though, one of his gifts to me lead to his ultimate downfall, the mirror no less, the one tied to the scale legend. He's glad to show me the true fruits of his labor. He also found it amazing to fight me, fighting with me was one thing, but against me was another, it was unlike anything else. I am unmatched by all whether it be skill, strategy or whatever. And because of that he is sure I saw how strong he was, and that he can help me. He would not hold me back.

I told him I never doubted him, that I always believe him. He however said he knows I hurt and get stuck in my head, and he didn't want to be another person who hurts me. Even if he's weaker in battle than me, he can protect himself, that at least to an extent, we're equals, and if I truly knew that, could see it firsthand, then I'd be okay. He wouldn't hurt me. He says that if he could lighten my burden, even a little, he'd do it, and he simply couldn't think of any other way to do that for me.

He just hugged me for a while. It felt so nice.

I sometimes feel like Sidon does so much for me, and I don't give much in return, but I think I know better now. Sidon wants me to know we're equals in this, so everything he's done for me, from the armor, to training, to just being with me, it's both because he wants to for him and myself but to also be on equal footing with me. That's what he's been doing this whole time.

It makes me feel better. But it's still taken me so long to word it, I knew it, like back at KaraKara bazaar I touched it, how he helps me, but still lets me learn and experience on my own. He's always been my partner in things, never taking the lead or following.

He walked us out of the canyon. The sun was setting. Since we were still technically in the Zora's Domain, we thought it would be okay that we stay out here for the night. We talked through the night, and just watched the stars. Or tried too at least, we kinda just gazing at each other for a while. As bright as the stars are, I find his glowing spots more captivating. It's just so soft and welcoming. He really likes my eyes. To him they're so striking, and expressive, and earnest, they are shiny and bright like mirrors, he even admitted that his heart races a little faster if he sees himself reflected in them, I'm focusing on him, and really having my attention, it feels special to him.

He asked me when I was going to write in my journal. He actually stayed up through the whole night with me, and I never seemed to reach for it. When I told him I wanted to see this whole moment through and not cut it off short or something, I'd write tonight. He hugged me so tightly and told me he loves me so much, that I'm his best friend and he was so glad to hear those words.

As I rode away on Bossa Nova, after making sure the path ahead was safe I and Sidon kept waving to one another and yelling our goodbyes till he was out of sight and we couldn't hear each other anymore.

So here I am. Off to Kakariko Village now.

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