Entry 211: Zora's Domain

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I went out with some fishermen for training today. They taught me a lot and we got such a huge haul! Nets are used to carry everything back. Sidon also came by and helped us. I was given one of the larger fish for being helpful, particularly for my eyesight. I can't see too well the deep waters since it can get dark, but if fish are near the surface, I can spot them even quite a ways down the river. Sidon wondered just how far my eyesight goes, he wanted to test it right away by him swimming upriver, but that wouldn't test me. He's just so bright, I could spot him from anywhere. Besides when I'm out here I'm always keeping an eye out for you specifically. I think a better test would be using an arrow as my target! It'd be more fair since I need to be able to spot distant enemies and not just you.

*I still think we could have tested you there. Even if you are ever vigilant to spot me that changes not your eyesight.

Yeah, but I'm always looking for you. I'm trained find you, not other things so spotting you is different to a fish or an arrow or danger.

We cooked lunch together. I'm not used to handling big fish, but I think I managed. The pieces wouldn't fit on regular plates, but Sidon found this large one.

*It's usually reserved for gatherings and holidays, but I thought it appropriate to use for this occasion. And your dish was so beautiful, it would have been a shame to hack up your work!

We ended up sharing from the same plate. Sidon wanted to feed me pieces from his fork. King Dorephan spotted us and said it was good to see his son had such a bright, youthful love, and recalled how him and his wife used to do the same. When Sidon asked if we could hear more tales the king smiled and asked if Sidon just wanted date ideas. You got so flustered and admitted you did but you also would like to hear more of her.

*Father is the king and much busier than I, so I understand why he could not stay long but it is a little disappointing. I've heard much of my sister but not much of my mother. I'm not even sure if she's even passed on. All I am sure on is that she's not around. Generally, we only have one ruler, even if they have a spouse, unlike Hylians for who the spouse also becomes a ruler. It would have been nice to hear such tales of romance.

*But the past, is just that, the past. I have you here in my arms, and we may make our own tales of such things.

Like you getting embarrassed for getting caught on our 'secret date'?

*Oh shush you! Or do I need to do so myself with a kiss.



Sidon took me to the cliffs around the domain. There is a storehouse of crystals to use for working with, but Sidon thought I should see how crystal is gotten.

Diamond tools are used since diamonds are one of the strangest gems. To get small crystals a chisel and hammer are enough. I asked Sidon if he's worried the crystal would ever run out one day. Turns out there's a lot more underwater than up here.

You really could just live solely underwater and away from everybody else. Honestly you all being on land might be a detriment, you could just leave Hyrule and avoid the danger, but you still stay. Unlike everyone else, you have a choice. You believe this place can be saved. I can't let you down. I don't want you to regret believing in me.

*Link, even should we fail, not a thing can or would be regretted. This is our home, no place else is, and we intend to protect it till the end. You're still forgetting.

*You are not in this alone my friend. Please, you can rely on me.

Chalk is used to make lines or writing on the crystal. It has to be chiseled down in chunks. You have to be extremely precise, one wrong move can cut the crystal in such a way where you can use it for what you want, like accidentally cutting too deep and taking a chunk out of what you wanted to keep, or even leave a crack. There are also many different chisels for what you want to do like taking out flatter chunks or for making intricate details. We were able to get the basic shape, but Sidon wanted to leave making the teeth of the comb for tomorrow since that will be much more delicate and need much time to work with it and make sure a mistake isn't made.

*The next part shall take extreme precision to get right. Aside from all that though, you were of great help. I was able to concentrate without having to avert my attention to find the right tool.

I'm glad. It was fascinating watching you work!

After dinner you asked me if you could stay with me for the night. You seemed a little odd or stiff though.

*I like knowing you're getting rest. I realize I too have been worrying you over the same thing so we may place the other at easy by being together. I also find it easier to still my mind and sleep when with you.

*That's a reason.

*I want to be with you. Alone. No work, no interruptions, no others catching us and adding their own speculations or comments. I find myself feeling this irritable budding annoyance of sorts when others appear lately. I love my people but I never know when next I'll see you so when I do get the chance I want to give my undivided attention to you. And... I'm finding I wish the same of you when I know that simply cannot be. You always have something to do, things that need your attention other than I, I know as much as you love me, your top priority is saving this land of ours. I long for another night back in Tarry Town, you with me solely. Just you and I together, doing whatever we could want. Things others don't need to be privy too. They need not hear our words of love, these ones are solely for you and no other, the sight of my hand in yours is only one for us to behold.

I don't like this jealously that's taking root in my heart, in my love for you.

You're silly.

Just ask when you want more affection, anytime, anywhere. And if you're worried about your promise, you are doing more than enough to gain my heart.

*And I am doing that just now! And NO I am not! I have yet to take you on proper dates as of yet! And I will! I shall sweep you off your feet show you just how much I have fallen for you!

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