Entry 208: Zora's Domain

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Sidon made me breakfast. He made things I had taught him to make back at Hateno, he had to wake up very early to get the ingredients on time. He tried to hide it, but I could see he was a little sleepy through the whole day, he's had such little rest. I really appreciate this, him just focusing on me, almost like there's nothing else, but I don't want him to push himself. Though I want to thank him all the same. He just makes me feel so special and safe, in a way unlike anything else, I guess. I feel like he really sees me, like he truly wants me. I don't know how to describe this, but I want to. I want to pour these feelings into these pages, have him read this so he can know just how much he means to me, how he's an irreplaceable part of my life, how he

I just want him to know as amazing as he finds me, I find him to be just the same. He's much more eloquent with words than me, so maybe he'd know how to write this, but I want to at least try, even if this is just kinda incoherent thoughts by now.

We went to market, it's a bit away from town, but that's because it's more of a trading area so Hylians and Gorons and others can get there easier than going through the canyon to the town. We did some shopping but we heard a lot of rumors. A new hero appearing, one who couldn't be the reincarnated one. A hero who did not wield the blade of evil's bane but a trident, instead of working in service of the princesses, or royalty, or goddess they worked for the people, a blond gender ambiguous Hylian who slew a massive, fearsome beast all to get ingredients for a medicine for a gerudo woman's sick husband they didn't even know, a person who helped the descendants of the champions calm all the Divine Beasts soon after their rampages began, a person who is a brother to the strong gorons, a person who had begun to teach others how to fend for themselves, on and on it went, even false or exaggerated tales. They were all about one simple person who served the people for their sake and nothing else. This person was not grand or flashy, they were only recognized since tridents are an uncommon weapon and even more uncommon for hylians outside of the royal family to be blond, two odd, eye catching characteristics and people made the connections from there. Sidon told me it just seemed fitting that the "Hero of the People" would wish to use all his peoples' fighting styles, a person who was strong with all their power, their best qualities united.

I guess it is fitting. Before being the chosen hero or whatever felt like a burden, but this time, it felt different, it didn't feel bad, like there's this cumbersome weight I just can't carry. I'm being called a hero for things I have done already, not things I'm expected to do, I think that's the difference. I think Sidon could tell too. He admitted he was a little nervous about this, but if I did react badly, he wanted to be beside me so he could comfort me and not have me over hear this some other place far away and for my thoughts to go dark again. And we had the whole day to be together so we could do something fun to get my mind off it.

We had a lovely walk back. Bossa Nova kept trying to steal some of the ingredients we ended up running part of the way as he chased us. He even tried nibbling on my hair to get my attention. Sidon tried scolding him, but Bossa Nova didn't care. After gifting a Hearty Radish he calmed down, but Sidon said I shouldn't spoil him, that he'll just take advantage of that and eat through all my non-meat supplies sooner or later. But then he just looked at me for a moment, smiled and shook his head before turning back to the trail ahead. When I asked him what that meant he told me he couldn't find my behavior endearing and that I need to learn how to say 'no' sometimes. I guess he is a prince, he has to make decisions for his people, and he'll likely have to say 'no' sometimes, but how can you say no to a cute hungry capybara! Besides I don't think he would have stopped trying to knock us over till he was fed so I don't think it could have been THAT bad. Just a treat. He's a good boy, he needs the love. Sidon then gasped and said this must be why Bossa Nova likes me more now. It was clear he was play acting, playing up the moment but his reaction did get Bossa Nova to charge at him and knock him into the river for hugs. Much of the fruit started floating down river and it took a while to collect it all.

We cooked lunch together, a fusion between Rito and Zora cuisine. I always love cooking with him, well I just like cooking, but especially with him. Food reflects it's culture and traditions, cooking is literally making something to help the other keep living and making it enjoyable all the while. I don't think I need food, not anymore at least, but I can still enjoy it, making it and tasting it with others. Eating and cooking with others feels different than on your own, it only makes sense, food reflects people and so more people would surely make it taste better. All this to say I just really enjoyed lunch. And Bossa Nova still ate his meal so giving him his treat was not spoiling him! He didn't eat his whole thing though, but that's not the point! He still ate it... I guess it's because I don't get hungry I don't see the point in having scheduled meals. Sidon said that was not the point, the point being Bossa Nova acting bratty to get whatever he wants. But could it be so bad, all he ever wants is food or extra affection.

Sidon asked if I knew how long I can hold my breath for. Much of his kingdom is underwater and he wanted to show more of it to me. Zoras really are made for the water, even the shape of their heads are kind of like arrows so they can effortlessly pierce through it. I know fish need fins to swim, I wonder how fins help Zora swim. They're just stunning racing past, or at least Sidon is. Even with my complete zora armor set swimming can be a struggle but for him it's effortless, he can go in circles and make twists and turns so quickly. Light seems much starker underwater, either bright or dark, I notice his glowy parts much more, I still can't tell if they're always glowing or if the glow activates when he's in shade.

His home underwater looks similarish to land with similar plants, but there are also very different ones I don't even know where to begin describing them. Some are kind of like flat dishes and others more spindly, then there are others that are wrinkly, I've never seen plants like those in the rivers before. There are some like stone, Sidon says they're called coral and are plants oddly enough. Many of these only grow in the domain, but there are similar ones in the ocean. I wondered if any could be used in cooking, as they are plants zoras have never tried and Sidon was rather keen on assisting me if I tried working with them.

His kingdom underwater is so much larger than on the surface. Sidon and his people could so easily be separated from the rest of the world and be just fine. Their most important places like the throne room are on the surface so others can more easily reach them. That is something he's always had been so appreciative of his ancestors for doing. His people, they've always been distant from the rest of Hyrule whether they lived solely underwater or some place out of reach or hidden away, of all times this current era is likely the closest they have been to others even with being separated by a distant canyon still. He doesn't like this distance, even if it is better than before. After the champions fell and the hylians had no leader, everyone mostly went their own ways and more of a divide was created between everyone, sure there's trade and the mail service but other than that, nothing, no alliance promises or at least documents stating they were at peace with one another, there's nothing except for the few individuals who sought out pay from others, that's why he finds what I'm doing to be so incredible. This legend I'm making just by being myself, becoming something or someone everyone can connect too or want to strive for. A kind of hero he could only have dreamed of. I told him I can't do anything like uniting everyone, I've just lived with them and gotten to know them, he however, someone who knows how to lead others, someone who can understand and relate to others so easily or through his sheer determination, his hunger to know others better, wanting those connections, he could become someone who could lead and unite hyrule. He told me uniting hyrule again was going to be a monumental task, surely one he could not handle on his own, he'd definitely need someone who's on good terms with everyone, and more importantly a partner by his side, someone he could lean on during the rough days, someone who could emotionally support him and just be by his side, just someone precious to him to keep close.

How tenderly he held my hands and stroked them with his thumbs, and just that way he looked at me. I don't know what I was feeling but it was so warm, and soft, and like my chest was fluttering. Just... how he wants me, not just for what I can do, he just wants me. He wants me to be there because he just wants to share his life with me, I just happen to get some additional satisfaction since I know I get to help, but even if I couldn't I KNOW he'd want me to be there with him and it just...

It means so much to me.

Today was just so nice.

After leading me to my room he collapsed on the bed. I don't know about him, but I know swimming definitely takes a lot of energy and he was already working with little sleep, at least this way I know for certain he's getting rest. I hope nobody comes here looking for him. For now, I guess I should get some sleep myself.

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