The 2nd Date . Am i your girlfriend ?

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That was the most fanciest restaurant i have ever been to in my whole life but the thing that i hate is he paid for it all . I told him not to but he insisted . I felt so bad to him , he kept searching for my eyes which were plastered to the floor in guilt and holding my cheek saying 'just don't worry about it , please Faye' . Anyway here is what happened .

He walked hand in hand with me to the car and opened the passenger seat door for me as the true gentlemen he always is . I gave him a smile and patted him on the head and slid inside the Porshe . He had to change cars you see , he took a big risk last night driving in his chrome car to the beach . I mean everyone knows that's his car and the pap could of easily followed us until the petrol had ran out to its last millilitre .

He rolled his eyes at me and smirked as he shut the door and walked over to the drivers seat .

"Ready" He smiled at me whilst getting ready to start up the engine . I stared at him for a while , taking in those beautiful eyes into mine .

"Yeah" i smile back at him leaning in for a peck but he started up the engine which made me jump and i leaned back in a heart attack . He gave out a huge laugh and i smacked him round the arm in a playful way and crossed my arms .

"Sorry" he smirks tilting his head . "Kisses?" he questions .

"Later!" i say pushing him back into the drivers seat .

"Alright then" he smirks in a clever way, as he put his foot down but knowing how much i actually did want to kiss him .

It didn't take as long as i thought to get to the luxury restaurant . We pulled up in the huge car park and i just stared at it in astonishment . It was massive it was painted a cream colour with huge marble steps leading up to the front door . Waiters , waiting outside to escort you to your table . As you looked through the front doors there were drapes hanging over  , a bit see through so you could see the light of huge chandeliers sparkling from the celling and silhouettes moving around serving food and other silhouettes eating and laughing .

"Justin , this is to much " i look at him "I don't want you paying for all of it" i give him another worried look .

"Don't be silly Faye . I still feel so terrible for the whole car park thing the other day" i see him tense up as if it frightens him to think about it . He shivered as well . "Please Faye" he put his hands in a praying position and pouts . I scan him for a while , looking  at those lushes lips .

"Only if you kiss me?" i say teasing him and pouting back at him and coping his hand gesture . He chuckles and leans in for a kiss and tugs on my waist with both of his hands , pressing his lips into mine . I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him in closer . He pulls my waist down , sliding me down to lie down .

Wow that's a lot of downs aha .

He brings himself forward and starts giving me love bites all up my neck pushing me downwards until .

"Ahhh Jesus" i scream . Justin just smirks and winks at me as if i did this at his lips pulling on my neck but oh no , hell no . The hand brake was almost through my back . OWCH  .

I sit up , and Justin slides off of me . I hold my back in pain .

"Oh no what happened , your not hurt again are you?" his voice shakes .

"The handbrake" i point out .

"Oh my god , I'm so sorry Faye , i forgot we were . . . in a car" he says as he punches the handbrake . I can't help but giggle . He'd even beat up a handbrake for me . "I'm sorry" he says running his fingers through a part of my hair . I can't help but blush and he gives me a slow kiss on the cheek but held it there for ages so he started laughing again just how he did on the beach . I guess that was his way of saying sorry and making me giggle .  My dress was all ruffled up now but don't worry i sorted it out just fine when we got out of the car .

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